Atlas Artist Edition HC (2023 Fantagraphics) comic books 2023
Published Oct 2023 by Fantagraphics.
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Volume 1 - 1st printing. "Joe Maneely!" Introduction by Dr. Michael J. Vassallo. The first book in Fantagraphics' new Atlas ArtistEdition series collects the best work of Marvel's topartist of the 1950s in a lush, lavish, full-color, oversizecollector's volume, scanned directly from the originalprintings and meticulously restored and presented ina wealth of detail never seen before.Joe Maneely was known for his draftsmanship, his versatility, andhis speed. He could draw horror, science fiction, war, crime, Madstylehumor, Westerns, and funny animals with equal dexterity. Histactile, chiaroscuro graphic approach to storytelling has made hima legend among the comics cognoscenti, but because he never drewsuperheroes and his life ended tragically at age 32, he has neverbeen given the attention his short but incandescent career deserves. Until now.As Geoffrey C. Ward wrote in American Heritage, "Maneely's knowledge of 19thcentury artifacts was encyclopedic, his rumpled, unshaven cowboys all wore theright hats, swung the right lariats, sat in the right saddles, fired the right modelColts - with every screwhead and trigger guard and notched handle preciselyrendered."And that's only his Westerns. That tightly focused attention to detail pervadeshis work in every genre.The Atlas Artist Edition Vol. 1: Joe Maneely, presents a cornucopia of Maneely'swork for Marvel (then called Atlas) including Westerns (Kid Colt, Black Rider, RingoKid, Wyatt Earp, Two-Gun Kid), pre-Code horror ("Haunted!", "The Raving Maniac",and the classic "Your Name Is Frankenstein"), space opera (Speed Carter), war (CombatKelly), Mad-style parodies from the pages of Crazy and Riot, cold-war intrigueand paranoia (Yellow Claw), and Maneely's pride and joy - his Arthurian champion,The Black Knight. Series editor Dr. Michael J. Vassallo provides expert contextualand historical commentary in a special essay for this volume.Dr. Michael J. Vassallo is the pre-eminent expert on the Timely/Atlas period of Marvel'shistory. He co-wrote The Secret History of Marvel Comics (Fantagraphics Books,2013) and edited Atlas at War (2020) and Timely Confidential: When the Golden Age ofComic Books Was Young (2017). He has written extensively for the Marvel Masterworksseries and maintains his own Timely/Atlas Comics blog. He lives in New York. Hardcover, 256 pages, full color. Cover price $75.00.