Random Encounter (2005) comic books
Published Mar 2005 by Viper Comics.$2.50
by Niccolo Balce Interrupted by a strange sound while playing the latest Silent Kill game, Migo, Mica, and Mona discover a dead girl on the Kwik Mart's roof. Their lives are sent into a maelstrom of confusion, freakish aliens, precipitous resurrection, and enigmatical secrets. Hang on for a wild ride into the unimaginable and astonishing ? a random encounter! 32pgs, B&W (1 of 4) SRP: $2.95 Cover price $2.95.
Published Mar 2005 by Viper Comics.$2.50
by Niccolo Balce Interrupted by a strange sound while playing the latest Silent Kill game, Migo, Mica, and Mona discover a dead girl on the Kwik Mart's roof. Their lives are sent into a maelstrom of confusion, freakish aliens, precipitous resurrection, and enigmatical secrets. Hang on for a wild ride into the unimaginable and astonishing ? a random encounter! 32pgs, B&W (1 of 4) SRP: $2.95 Cover price $2.95.
Published Apr 2005 by Viper Comics.$2.50
by Niccolo Balce. Finding himself in a hospital bed after the epic battle with the monster in the previous issue, Migo wakes to another battle with a new, mysterious monster. When another strange person named Gummy decides to elaborate on the monster phenomenon, Migo and company are left with more questions than answers. Adventure, intrigue and excitment continue as Random Encounter explodes into the comic shops again. 7x10, 32pgs, B&W (2 of 4)SRP: $2.95 Cover price $2.95.
Published May 2005 by Viper Comics.$6.00
by Niccolo Balce As Migo begins to learn about the monster phenomenon and the legend of the Tree of Nede, a faint memory begins to surface. He rushes back to the Kwik Mart to look for something his father left him. As he arrives, he finds a big monster trying to demolish the Kwik Mart. Let the miniboss battle begin! 32pgs, B&W (3 of 4)SRP: $2.95 Cover price $2.95.
Published Jun 2005 by Viper Comics.$3.40
by Niccolo Balce. Migo and the others can't kill the monster that's been terrorizing them. Just as all seems lost, Migo's father shows up to help. After slaying the monster, Migo's father shows him what the monster was searching for. 32pgs, B&W (4 of 4)SRP: $2.95 Cover price $2.95.