Lurkers (2004) comic books 2004
Published Oct 2004 by IDW Publishing.$2.50
Meeednight Pulp Presents, Steve Niles's renaissance of horror pulp fiction for a modern age, continues with The Lurkers. Los Angeles detective Jack Dietz is having one of the worst days of his life. One body is bad enough, but when another turns up with human bite marks, he knows his world has just turned inside out. Hector Casanova provides art for this hard-bitten chiller. FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $3.99 Cover price $3.99.
Published Nov 2004 by IDW Publishing.$2.50
Steve Niles (w); Hector S. Casanova (a) Someone's got a bad habit of chewing on dead bodies, and L.A. Detective Jack Dietz wants to find out who it is. He'd also like to survive the night, and he'd like his marriage to survive his job. He's about to learn that we don't always get what we want. Meeednight Pulps continues with this terrifying tale of urban noir. 32pg, FC $3.99 Cover price $3.99.
Published Dec 2004 by IDW Publishing.$3.00
by Steve Niles & Hector S. Casanova Meeednight Pulps continues with this terrifying tale of urban noir! L.A. Detective Jack Dietz thought he'd seen it all, before he discovered that a killer he was tracking liked to chew the bodies of his victims. Now Jack must try to end these gruesome murders even as he seeks to keep himself and his shaky marriage alive at the same time. 32pgs, FC $3.99 Cover price $3.99.