1st printing. Written by Jonathan Gunson. Illustrated by Marten Coombe. In the ageless mists of time, dark sorcerers tried to destroy our world until three great wizards; Merlin, Blaise, and Kells; thwarted them with a powerful wand they mystically forged at Stonehenge. Frustrated, the vengeful sorcerers sent the enchantress Nimue to steal it, but she fell rapturously in love with Merlin. In desperation, the diabolical sorcerers themselves came to seize it. Thus the wand was lost for millennia in a terrible spell-battle... or was it? Using only the clues within this book, readers competed to solve the puzzle validated by Mensa that lies within this book. The winner received Merlin's Wand as well as a $125,000 cash prize. NOTE: The mystery was never solved, so the cash prize was donated to World Wildlife Fund.
Cover price $21.00.