Tales Calculated to Drive You Bats (1966 Archie) comic books 1966
Published 1966 by Archie Publications.$3.60
- Full length spine split. Staples added (not manufacturing).
- Interior is complete. Full length spine split with missing back cover.
The Audition one-page story, script by George Gladir, art by Orlando Busino. All scripts by George Gladir, all art by Orlando Busino. "Hugo the Werewolf"; Hugo is granted his wish to be turned human, but hates it. "Tut-Tut the Mummy"; The Wolfman retires to the Old Monsters Home. "Count Congo." "The Monster Crisis." "Ogre, the Only Deodorant Made Especially For Monsters." "Witchcraft Then and Now." "Memories" starring Igor and Freddie. "The Cat Girl." "Jake the Spider Spins a Tale." "Monster News." "Space Happy." "Dr. Bloodshot's A-1 Assistant." "Julius the Robot." "The Chariot Chump." "Mad Lab." 68 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.25.