Cover art by Henry Scarpelli. "Oh, Lulu!", inks by Henry Scarpelli; Benedict must make some money for his date that night. "Wheels and the Teeny-Boppers," script and art by Phil Mendez. Barnabas from Dark Shadows and the Werewolf ad for MPC model kits. "The Big Plan for Making Bread!", pencils by Bill Williams, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Buddy tries to patch up the relationship between Cynthia and Perry. Debbi Makes the Teen Scene article in which Debbi gets tips from readers about teen fashions. Debbi's Diary gag page, inks by Henry Scarpelli. "The Secret Weapon," pencils by Bill Williams; Little Tommy wants to make some money so he can take Debbi to a movie. House ads for DC Special and Superman. 36 pgs., full color.
Cover price $0.15.