Fairy Quest Outcasts (2014) comic books
Published Nov 2014 by Boom Studios.$3.20
Written by Paul Jenkins. Art and Cover by Humberto Ramos. The adventures of Red and Mister Woof have only just begun. In Fablewood, all of the stories that have ever been told live side-by-side. But it is an evil place, overseen by the awful Mister Grimm and his cadre of Think Police. Red and Woof want to escape to a world where their friendship isn't prohibited, but nothing can prepare them for what lies ahead in the Dark Forest. 24 pages, full color. Cover price $3.99.
Published Dec 2014 by Boom Studios.$3.20
Written by Paul Jenkins. Art and Cover by Humberto Ramos. After finding the map maker, Red and Woof must venture through the land of Oz and Wonderland to find their end to fiction and path to reality. On the yellow brick road, there are more dangers than just lions, tigers, and bears... 28 pages, full color. Cover price $3.99.