Geeksville (2000) 3 Geeks comic books 1990 or later
Stories by Rich Koslowski and Gary Sassaman. Art by Rich Koslowski, Gary Sassaman, and Jason Asala. Cover by Rich Koslowski.The first issue of the 3 Geeks continuity published by IMAGE COMICS and the second part of the hilarious "Y2K, A & J" story arc that resolves the big Y2K scare and the way the geeks reacted/responded to it. See how they try and deal with the end of the world and living with each other in a fallout bunker designed for one. It gets real ugly...especially when Sky Branovan shows up. Also featured in issue 0 is a brilliant Gary Sassaman story entitled "Arthur and Elliot"--a story about two all-but-forgotten stars of the silent film era and their disastrous fall into obscurity. Also, a "True Tales From The Comic Shop" story entitled "All For The Art Of John Byrne" brilliantly illustrated by Jason Asala that will make readers laugh and their stomachs turn, all at the same time! 24 pages, B&W, standard paper. Cover price $2.75. Cover price $2.75.
Story and art by Rich Koslowski and Gary Sassaman. Cover by Rich Koslowski. Begins the four-part "Back To The Con!" storyline, in which the 3 Geeks head back to the big con, but not as fanboys this time! This time, they're on the other side of the table trying to sell their very own comic! In the first part of the saga, they go about deciding just who does what, not as easy a task as it sounds for the 3 Geeks. After deciding who does what, they set about making their masterpiece. 24 pages, B&W, standard paper. Cover price $2.95. Cover price $2.75.
Story and art by Rich Koslowski and Gary Sassaman. Cover by Rich Koslowski. In Part 2 of "Back To The Con," the 3 Geeks discover that finding a printer to print their beloved comic book isn't what they expected and is a heck of a lot more money than they ever dreamed, and this entails refiguring their battleplan and trimming their budget. Suddenly, a black and white self-published indy comic doesn't sound like such a bad idea, so they head to the local "Kinky's"...where mayhem ensues! 24 pages, B&W, standard paper. Cover price $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
Story and art by Rich Koslowski and Gary Sassaman. Cover by Rich Koslowski and Gary Sassaman. In Part 3 of "Back To The Con," the 3 Geeks finally head back to the big con to sell their comic book, but Allen forgot to properly fill out all the forms for exhibitors, and problems arise before they even get in the door. Not only do they run into problems at the door, but once they do finally get into the show, their comic isn't quite the sensation they thought it would be! Also includes the 3 Geeks' actual mini-comic book, "Babes and Blades." 24 pages, B&W, standard paper. Cover price $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
Story and art by Rich Koslowski and Gary Sassaman. Cover by Rich Koslowski and Gary Sassaman. In this final installment of the epic "Back To The Con" saga, the 3 Geeks are determined to salvage the show and sell their comics, but Jim does something so controversial at the show that they're all thrown out and splashed on the front cover of a popular comics fanzine! Does controversy really sell? Well...yes and no. Find out in issue #4 and laugh, laugh, laugh! 24 pages, B&W, standard paper. Cover price $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
Stories by Rich Koslowski, Sandy Koslowski, and Gary Sassaman. Art by Rich Koslowski, Gary Sassaman, and Justin Wasson. Cover by Rich Koslowski. Cover art is an homage to the promotional poster for the motion picture, "The Limey." In "Dark Sky," the 3 Geeks' arch-nemesis Sky Branovan infiltrates their secret comic book club and diabolically recites obscure by-laws that enable her to obtain temporary membership status. The members of the club are furious but also helpless to stop herm, so they tolerate her and her "Goth" comic book ideas and opinions, counting down the days until they can give her the boot! Then a very strange and unexpected twist occurs when Sky lures one of the geeks into her clutches. A romance ensues, and Sky manages to garner full membership as well as the coveted "Chairperson" status, which allows her to call the shots! Chaos and calamity best describe this hilarious installment of Geeksville. Also, Gary Sassaman tells another tale of Innocent Bystander in "Nighthawks." Includes pin-ups by Gary Sassaman and Justin Wasson. 24 pages, B&W, standard paper. Cover price $2.95. Cover price $2.95.
Stories by Rich Koslowski, Sandy Koslowski, and Gary Sassaman. Art by Rich Koslowski and Gary Sassaman. Cover by Rich Koslowski. Cover art homage to Planetary series by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday. Final Geeksville issue! In this final installment of Geeksville, see into the 3 Geeks' futures and how their lives turned out. "All Good Things" features a 3 Geeks story that is very heartfelt and melancholy but that is truly touching. Fret not, dear readers, as there's hilarity aplenty! A glimpse into their futures reveals that one of the geeks owns his own shop, one has moved away to a different life, and one is apparently dead because he witnessed a terrible mafia crime. However, as is often the case with The 3 Geeks, all is not always what it seems! Includes a one-page text article by Rich Koslowski announcing the end of the series, a letters page, a one-page goodbye from Gary Sassaman, as well as a story and pin-up page by Sassaman featuring the retirement of his cats Stan and Oliver. 24 pages, B&W, standard paper. Cover price $2.95. Cover price $2.95.