Family Circle (1932 The Family Circle Inc.) Magazine comic books 1949
View scans- Front cover detached 10%. Back cover detached 15%. Water damage: Slight. Staple rust: Slight.
"What Can You Do About Comic Books" by Harvey Zorbaugh and Mildred Gilman , article on comic books and how they affect children (5 years before "Seudction of the Innocent").
Volume 34, Issue 2 - February, 1949 issue, featuring an article on comic books and how they affect children. This article appeared five years before Seduction of the Innocent and unlike the Wertham book, it is pro-comic book reading. The article was written by Dr. Harvey Zorbaugh, professor of education and director of the Clinic for the Social Adjustment of the Gifted, New York University, and by Mildred Gilman, author and mother. The article discusses Dr. Fredrick J. Wertham's views and includes photos of children reading Rusty Comics, Superman, Iron Vic and Cookie. Cover price $0.05.