TV & film coverage: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Star Trek, Doctor Who, ALIEN, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Buck Rogers, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Black Hole, Time After Time, The Thing, Spectre, The Overlords; Interviews with: Mark Hamill, Leonard Nimoy, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, Arthur C. Clarke, Fred Pohl, David Prowse, Tom Baker, Dan O'Bannon, Nicholas Meyer, George Pal, Gil Gerard, Buster Crabbe, Joseph Bottoms; Space Art by: Bob McCall, Chesley Bonestell, Don Dixon, Ron Miller, David Egge, Frank R. Paul; Space Science: Isaac Asimov on faster-than-light travel, James Oberg on Sputnik, Jesco von Puttkamer on wormholes, flight testing the 'Enterprise.' Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker cover.
Cover price $3.95.