Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992 Dark Horse) comic books 1993
Published Jan 1993 by Dark Horse.$4.00
Script, pencils & cover by DAN BARRY. Indy embarks on a tour of the Far East, but is distracted from the beauty of the country by the presence of a mysterious stranger. Could this man be a spy or a bomb-carrying revolutionary? Will Indy convince their guide that they are indeed being followed? From the Great Wall of China to the steps of the Meng Jiang Temple, Indy explores the wonders of ancient dynasties, recognizes the value of maintaining "face," and learns a very valuable lesson in balance. Cover price $2.50.
Published Feb 1993 by Dark Horse.$3.60
Written by DAN BARRY. Art by GORDON PURCELL & LOUIS DANIEL. Cover by DAN BARRY. Indiana Jones has faced numerous perils, but his battles have always been against external forces. When the attack comes from within, in the form of a deadly fever, Young Indy's mother must decide whether to trust ancient Chinese medical practices or risk waiting for a missionary doctor. It's a race against time and a lesson in maintaining face in this moving conclusion of Indy's adventure in Peking. Cover price $2.50.