December 15, 2004/January 4, 2005. 100 pages. All color except for Caballistics, Inc. and Tales of the Leviathan. Features include Judge Dredd in "Christmas With the Blints" (script by John Wagner, art by Andrew Currie), Caballistics, Inc. in "Weird War Tales" (script by Gordon Rennie, art by Dom Reardon), one-page Tharg's Alien Invasions: "Choir Visible" (script and art by Henry Flint), Sinister Dexter in "Dunce Macabre" (script by Dan Abnett, art by Simon Davis), Slaine in "The Book of Invsions" (script by Pat Mills, art by Clint Langley), one-page Tharg's Alien Invasions: "Sign Here" (script and art by Flint), Robo-Hunter in "The Da Vinchy Code" (script by Alan Grant, art by Ian Gibson), Tales of the Leviathan: "Chosen Son" (script by Ian Edginton, art by D'Israeli), Second City Blues part 1 (script by Kek-W, art by Warren Pleece), one-page Tharg's Alien Invasions: "Stan's Pair" (script and art by Flint), Nikolai Dante in "Agent of Destruction" part 1 (script by Robbie Morrison, art by John Burns). Ace Trucking Co. pin-up by Boo Cook. Mark Harrison cover.