Ashen Victor (1997) comic books 1995-1997
Tags: Manga$2.50
Story and Art by Yukito Kishiro. The world of Battle Angel Alita lives on in Ashen Victor, Yukito Kishiro's new cyberpunk thriller of trauma, crushed metal, and spattered blood! In the Dystopian Scrapyard, the life-or-death sport called motorball provides millions of fans with an escape from their own suffering. Enter Snev, a motorballer nicknamed the "Crash King" for reasons that soon become obvious. Running on the edge of sanity, will Snev make his fellow team members proud...or drag them down into the abyss with him? 32 pages, B&W. Cover price $2.95.
Tags: Manga$2.50
Story and Art by Yukito Kishiro. When his prostitute girlfriend is killed, Snev, full-cyborg motorballer, has nothing left to prevent him from spiraling ever deeper into depression. Written and drawn by Yukito Kishiro (Battle Angel Alita) in a style inspired by American noir master Frank Miller! 32 pages, B&W. Cover price $3.25.
Story and Art by Yukito Kishiro. Are the motorballers of Team Spandau just pawns in some gangster's master plan? Written and drawn by Yukito Kishiro in a new, blocky style reminiscent of Frank Miller! 32 pages, B&W. Cover price $2.95.
Story and Art by Yukito Kishiro. As Snev runs his last race ever, he faces the terrifying apparition of the Marathon Man for the last time! But will his cyborg body once again be scattered on the track? And will his ex-teammate Dolagunov be the one who drives over his living brain? 32 pages, B&W. Cover price $2.95.