Demolition Man (1993) comic books 1994
In the year 2032, Phoenix is on a rampage with his four psychotic playmates joining in the carnage. Spartan and Huxley turn to the Wasteland, the last bastion of resistance in this lobotomized future society. Written by Gary Cohn, with art by Rod Whigham, Dick Giordano and Frank McLaughlin. Cover by Kevin Maguire. New Format. Cover price $1.75.
Spartan is aided by Edgar Friendly's outcasts in a final conflict with Simon Phoenix and his thugs. The climax is a cryoprison free-for-all! Written by Gary Cohn, with art by Rod Whigham, Dick Giordano and Frank McLaughlin. Cover by Kevin Maguire. New Format. Cover price $1.75.