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History of the DC Universe (1986) comic books 1980-1989

  • Issue #1
    History of the DC Universe (1986) 1

    Written by Marv Wolfman. Art by George Pérez & Karl Kesel. This unique project (an illustrated text story), which spun out of the universe-changing events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, tells the entire history of the first super hero universe in the industry! This volume covers everything from the creation of the DCU through to World War II! Characters in this volume: Harbinger; Krona; Manhunters; Green Lantern Corps; Guardians of the Universe; Controllers; Psions; Demons Three [Abnegazar; Rath; Ghast]; Pariah; Destiny; Vandal Savage; Immortal Man; Anthro; Kong; Garn Daanuth; Arion; Lady Chian; Wyynde; Warlord; Shazam; Black Adam; Titans of Myth [Hyperion; Crius; Oceanus; Coeus; Iapetus; Cronus; Thea; Rhea; Mnemosyne; Phoebe; Tethys; Themis]; Zeus; Highfather; Darkseid; X'hal; Auron; Nimbus; Heracles; Hippolyte; Golden Gladiator; Blackbriar Thorn; Shining Knight; Silent Knight; Demon; Arak; Viking Prince; Azrael; Citrina; Spider Guild; Solovar; Black Pirate; Andrew Bennett; Grim Ghost; Captain Fear; Miss Liberty; Tomahawk; Dan Hunter; Don Caballero; Firehair; Jonah Hex; El Papagayo; El Diablo; Bat Lash; Scalphunter; Super Chief; Pow Wow Smith; Cinnamon; Trigger Twins; Johnny Thunder; Madame .44; Strong Bow; Balloon Buster; Enemy Ace; Brother Blood; Dr. Occult; Green Lantern [Abin Sur]; Lara; Jor-El; Superman (in his rocket); Adolph Hitler; Zatara; Crimson Avenger [Lee Travis]; Wing; Hop Harrigan; Sandman [Wesley Dodds]; Doll Man [Darrell Dane]; Steel [Henry Heywood]; Flash [Jay Garrick]; Hawkman [Carter Hall]; Hawkgirl [Shiera Hall]; Spectre [Jim Corrigan]; Johnny Thunder; Thunderbolt; Hourman [Rex Tyler]; Black Condor [Richard Grey, Jr.]; Atom [Al Pratt]; Dr. Fate [Kent Nelson]; Green Lantern [Alan Scott]; Justice Society of America; Starman [Ted Knight]; Dr. Mid-Nite [Charles McNider]; Injustice Gang of America [Solomon Grundy; Brain Wave; Sportsmaster; Tigress; Gambler; Per Degaton; Thinker; Vandal Savage; Harlequin; Fiddler; Wizard; Icicle; Shade]; All-Star Squadron [Sandy; Air Wave [Larry Jordan]; Mr. America [Tex Thompson]; Manhunter [Paul Kirk]; Vigilante [Greg Sanders]; Mr. Terrific [Terry Sloane]; Guardian [Jim Harper]; Judomaster; Manhunter [Dan Richards]; Amazing-Man [Will Everett]; Liberty Belle [Libby Lawrence]; Plastic Man [Eel O'Brian]; Tarantula; Robotman [Robert Crane]; Star-Spangled Kid [Sylvester Pemberton]; Stripesy; Whip; Johnny Quick [Johnny Chambers]; Jester; TNT; Dan, the Dyna-Mite; Wildcat [Ted Grant]; Midnight; Alias the Spider]; Blackhawks [Bart Hawk; Olaf; Andre; Chuck; Hendrickson; Stanislaus; Chop-Chop]; Sgt. Rock; Iron Major; Freedom Fighters [Invisible Hood; Miss America [Joan Dale]; Captain Triumph; Neon the Unknown; Red Bee [Rick Raleigh]; Ray [Happy Terrill]; Firebrand [Rod Reilly]; Human Bomb [Roy Lincoln]; Phantom Lady [Sandra Knight]]. Softcover, 48 pages, full color. Cover price $2.95.

  • Issue #2
    History of the DC Universe (1986) 2

    Written by Marv Wolfman. Art by George Pérez & Karl Kesel. This unique project (an illustrated text story), which spun out of the universe-changing events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, tells the entire history of the first super hero universe in the industry! This volume covers everything from World War II through the present to the end of time! Characters in this volume: Harbinger; Judomaster; Tiger; Neptune Perkins; Tsunami; Guardian [Jim Harper]; Newsboy Legion [Tommy; Big Words; Gabby; Scrapper]; Haunted Tank; Jeb Stuart; Creature Commandos; G. I. Robot; Viking Commando; Mlle. Marie; Unknown Soldier; Boy Commandos [Rip Carter; Andre; Alfie; Jan; Brooklyn]; Losers [Gunner; Sarge; Captain Storm; Johnny Cloud]; Seven Soldiers of Victory [Vigilante [Greg Sanders]; Shining Knight; Crimson Avenger [Lee Travis]; Wing; Star-Spangled Kid [Sylvester Pemberton; also as Skyman]; Stripesy]; Nebula Man; Black Canary [Dinah Drake]; Merry, Girl of 1,000 Gimmicks; Justice Society of America [Dr. Mid-Nite [Charles McNider]; Green Lantern [Alan Scott]; Atom [Al Pratt]; Hawkman [Carter Hall]; Flash [Jay Garrick]; Hawkwoman [Shiera Hall]; Hourman [Rex Tyler]; Johnny Thunder; Thunderbolt; Starman [Ted Knight]; Sandman [Wesley Dodds]; Sandy; Wildcat [Ted Grant]; Spectre [Jim Corrigan]; Dr. Fate [Kent Nelson]]; Task Force X [Rick Flag]; Tom Curry; Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent; Martha Wayne; Thomas Wayne; Phantom Stranger; Captain Comet; Martian Manhunter; Dr. Erdel; Hippolyte; Dan Garrett [Blue Beetle]; Trigon; Arella; Superman; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Robin [Dick Grayson]; Flash [Barry Allen]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Hawkman [Katar Hol]; Hawkwoman [Shayera Thal]; Aquaman [Arthur Curry, Jr.]; Captain Atom [Nathaniel Adam]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Guardians of the Universe; Adam Strange; Challengers of the Unknown [Ace Morgan; Rocky Davis; Red Ryan; Prof Haley; June Robbins]; Dolphin; Sea Devils [Dane Dorrance; Biff Bailey; Judy Watson; Nicky Watson]; Justice League of America; Teen Titans [Kid Flash [Wally West]; Aqualad; Wonder Girl [Donna Troy]]; Metal Men [Gold; Iron; Lead; Tin; Mercury; Platinum]; Will Magnus; Ultra, the Multi-Alien; Elongated Man; B'Wana Beast; Robby Reed; Zatanna; Zatara; Ragman; Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt; Mera; Metamorpho; Question; Prince Ra-Man; Eclipso; Deadman; Animal Man; Creeper; Son of Vulcan; King Faraday; Sarge Steel; Secret Six [August Durant; Lili Deneuve; Carlo DiRienzi; Tiger Force; Crimson Dawn; King Savage]; Doom Patrol [Chief; Negative Man; Elasti-Girl; Robotman [Cliff Steele]]; Monitor; Metron; Kanto; Mantis; Forever People [Vykin; Big Bear; Serifan; Beautiful Dreamer; Mark Moonrider]; Infinity Man; Glorious Godfrey; Black Racer; Orion; Kalibak; Highfather; Darkseid; Forager; Big Barda; Mr. Miracle; Desaad; Granny Goodness; Lonar; Himon; Lightray; Fastbak; Brainiac; New Doom Patrol [Tempest [Joshua Clay]; Negative Woman; Celsius]; Black Lightning; Thorn; Swamp Thing; Manhunter [Mark Shaw]; Johnny Double; Harvey Bullock; Jonni Thunder; Jason Bard; Peacemaker; Firestorm; Firehawk; Warlord; Atomic Knight; Jemm, Son of Saturn; Baron Winters; Amethyst; Shade, the Changing Man; Shazam; Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; New Teen Titans [Starfire; Azrael; Lilith; Changeling; Raven; Speedy; Cyborg; Nightwing; Hawk; Kole; Jericho; Terra; Robin [Tim Drake]; Aquagirl]; Outsiders [Halo; Katana; Geo-Force; Looker]; Commander Steel; Gypsy; Vibe; Vixen; Global Guardians [Bushmaster; Godiva; Green Flame; Icemadien; Impala; Jack O'Lantern; Little Mermaid; Olympian; Owlwoman; Rising Sun; Seraph; Tasmanian Devil; Thunderlord; Tuatara; Wild Huntsman; Red Star; Dr. Mist]; Blue Devil; Air Wave [Hal Jordan]; Power Girl; Vigilante [Adrian Chase]; Black Orchid; Red Tornado [John Smith]; Anti-Monitor; Pariah; Dove; Gnarrk; Starman [Gavyn]; Green Lantern Corps [Arisia; John Stewart; Ch'p; Kilowog; Katma Tui; Salaak]; Lady Quark; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Booster Gold; Omega Men [Nimbus; Auron; Harpis; Tigorr; Primus; Kalista; Green Man; Ryand'r; Doc; Elu; Felicity]; Infinity, Inc. [Brainwave, Jr.; Obsidian; Jade; Fury [Lyta Trevor]; Silver Scarab; Nuklon; Northwind; Dr. Mid-Nite [Beth Chapel]; Hourman [Rick Tyler]; Wildcat [Yolanda Montez]]; Black Canary [Dinah Lance]; Blue Beetle [Ted Kord]; Suicide Squad [Bronze Tiger; Enchantress; Deadshot; Rick Flagg, Jr.; Captain Boomerang [Digger Harkness]; Nightshade; Nemesis [Tom Tesser]]; Wonder Woman [Diana]; Jonah Hex; Chris KL-99; Star Rovers; Star Hawkins; Space Cabby; OMAC; Tommy Tomorrow; Space Ranger; Legion of Super-Heroes [Wildfire; Magnetic Kid; Ultra Boy; Phantom Girl; Timber Wolf; Lighting Lass; Shadow Girl; Element Lad; Bouncing Boy; Blok; Shrinking Violet; Quislet; Colossal Boy; Cosmic Boy; Star Boy; Saturn Girl; Mon-El; Dawnstar; Lightning Lad; Matter-Eater Lad; Tellus; Tyroc; Sensor Girl; Dream Girl; Brainiac 5; Dream Girl; Invisible Kid [Jacques Foccart]; Chameleon Boy; Star Boy; Polar Boy; Duo Damsel; Chemical Kid; Ferro Lad; Invisible Kid [Lyle Norg]; Karate Kid]; Heroes of Lallor [Duplicate Boy; Evolvo Lad; Gas Girl; Life Lass; Beast Boy]; Wanderers [Celebrand; Psyche; Quantum Queen; Elvo; Dartalg; Ornitho; Immorto]; Khunds; Cryll; Abra Kadabra; Time Trapper. Softcover, 48 pages, full color. Cover price $2.95.