Tales of the New Teen Titans (1982) 4 CBCS 9.4
Item #62594806
Tags: Teen TitansTales of the New Teen Titans (1982) 4 CBCS 9.4
Paper: White
Label #0014348-AC-004
Starts Mar 17 Princess Koriand'r tells the other Titans about her past, speaking of her time on Tamaran and Okaara, her rivalry with her sister Komand'r, and her time as a slave in "Starfire." 25-page tale. Appearances by Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Cyborg, Changeling, Raven. Script & co-plot by Marv Wolfman, pencils & co-plot by George Perez, embellishes by Ernie Colon. Starfire pin-up by Perez. Cover by Perez. Cover price $0.60. Grade: CBCS 9.4 explanation of grade Condition: Used (collectible)