Marvel Premiere (1972) 15 CBCS 6.0
1st app. and origin Iron Fist
Paper: Off white to white
Label #18-0B600E2-067
First 25-cent cover price. Origin and first appearance of Iron Fist in The Fury of Iron Fist!, script by Roy Thomas, pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Dick Giordano; Iron Fist passes the final tests in his K'un-Lun training and is granted the privilege of immortality if he so chooses; During his final battle with the robot Shu-Hu, Danny remembers how his father was killed by Meachum and his mother gave her life to save his as the Rand family searched for the fabled city of K'un-Lun. The letters page contains Marvel Value Stamp series A # 94 (Electro by Steve Ditko). Text article explaining price hike to 25 cents for Marvel's 36-page comics, followed by short editorial by Roy Thomas detailing genesis of Iron Fist. 36 pgs. $0.25.
Cover price $0.25.
Grade: CBCS 6.0
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)