Uncanny X-Men (1963 1st Series) 57 FN- 5.5
Ended |
Feb 10 10:07 PM CST |
Bid History |
9 bids
Winning Bid |
$62 |
First appearance of Larry Trask. Cover pencils by Neal Adams, inks by Tom Palmer. The Sentinels Live!, script by Roy Thomas, pencils by Neal Adams, inks by Tom Palmer; Lorna is attacked by a Sentinel; Alex is paralyzed by his terrible and destructive new powers as the X-Men try to figure out how to help him; The Egyptian authorities arrive and the Living Pharaoh tells them to arrest the X-Men for the destruction of an ancient temple; Alex takes off in the conflict and is attacked by a Sentinel; Learning of the attack on Lorna, Iceman and Beast head back to the states to investigate; They catch a newscast where the son of Bolivar Trask proclaims to the world that the Sentinels are once again active and hunting for mutants. The Female of the Species!--The Origins of the Uncanny X-Men, script by Linda Fite, pencils by Werner Roth, inks by Sam Grainger; explanation of Marvel Girl's powers. 36 pgs. $0.12.
Cover price $0.12.
Grade: FN- 5.5
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)