The DC Animated Universe is the pinnacle of comic book adaptations, capturing the spirit of these timeless characters in a way nothing else has been able to. One of the high points of the DCAU was the 3-part World's Finest crossover that saw Batman and Superman meeting for the first time- with Joker and Lex Luthor lurking in the shadows! Of course the villains' plan goes awry and Joker saves himself leaving Harley to be rescued by the Dark Knight. A kinetic mid-action scene, this cel is a prime example of the beautiful design work displayed on these shows.
Hand-painted animation cel taped to printed background (background not production-used) with Warner Brothers seal. Cel is numbered A-18. A certificate of authenticity from Warner Brothers is also included. Piece measures 11" x 10 3/4".
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It has been graded by MyComicShop's experienced graders.