Limited Collectors' Edition: Batman reprints--the early classic Ra's al Ghul stories all in one volume! "Daughter of the Demon" (art by Neal Adams), "Bruce Wayne--Rest in Peace" (art by Irv Novick), "The Lazarus Pit" (art by Adams), and "The Demon Lives Again" (art by Adams). Reprints from Batman 232 (1st appearance of Ra's), 242-244. The inside back cover contains brief bios and small photos of Denny O'Neil, Adams, Novick, Dick Giordano, and Julie Schwartz. Size is 10 x 13-1/2" (about the size of a Life magazine). 80 pages. New Adams wraparound cover.
Cover price $2.00.
Grade: VF+ 8.5
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)