Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 392 CBCS 9.8
This item's CBCS grade equals the top CGC census grade.
Paper: White
Direct Edition
Label #20-24EF349-016
Ended |
Oct 16 2020 |
Winning Bid |
$49 |
Direct Edition. "The Cocoon!" Shrieking Part 3 of 4. Script by J.M. DeMatteis. Pencilsby Mark Bagley. Inks by Randy Emberlin. Cover by Mark Bagley and RandyEmberlin. Crises abound for the mentally and physically exhaustedweb-slinger! After going down to defeat at the hands of Shriek and Carrionlast issue, the beleaguered wall-crawler limps back home to rest! Howeverhis much-needed rest is denied upon learning that his dear Aunt May hassuffered a stroke! In Forest Hills Peter grieves with Mary Jane, but hecannot stay for long as Shriek is still at large. Finally in Astoria inCarrion's mother's house, the amazing one catches up with Shriek! Can theSpectacular Spider-Man silence Shriek once and for all? (Note: The coverpays homage to John Romita Sr.'s classic cover to Amazing Spider-Man 50.)32 pages.
Cover price $1.50.
Grade: CBCS 9.8
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)