Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) 60 CBCS 9.8
This item's CBCS grade equals the top CGC census grade.
Paper: White
Label #20-261F254-018
Ended |
Oct 15 2020 |
Winning Bid |
$34 |
Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Pencils & Covers by MARK BAGLEY Move over Venom ? here comes Ultimate Carnage, Part 1 of 6! And what strange connection does Dr. Curt Connors have to the story? Things really get weird as the Ultimate Punisher drops by for a visit, and we introduce...Ultimate Ben Reilly!? 32 PGS. (each)/ALL AGES ...$2.25 (each) Issue #60 UPC: 5960605031-06011; #61: 5960605031-06111
Cover price $2.25.
Grade: CBCS 9.8
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)