Wonder Woman (1942 1st Series DC) 179 CGC 7.0
Paper: Off white to white
Label #2072746009
Ended |
May 6 2020 |
Winning Bid |
$66 |
Cover pencils by Mike Sekowsky, inks by Dick Giordano. First appearance of I-Ching in "Wonder Woman's Last Battle, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Mike Sekowsky, inks by Dick Giordano; Just as Steve Trevor is labeled a traitor (though he is really going undercover in pursuit of Doctor Cyber), Wonder Woman is summoned to Paradise Island, where Hippolyta announces that the Amazons are retreating to another dimension to rest and renew; Diana chooses to stay and help Steve, giving up all of her powers and Amazonian heritage; Starting a new life, and taking on I Ching as her mentor, Diana has barely begun her training when Steve shows up severely wounded. One-page "Fact File #1" covers Tarantula from Star-Spangled Comics 1-19 (1941-43). "The Adventures of Tigerboy" bicycle tire ad with art by Jack Davis. 36 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.12.
Grade: CGC 7.0
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)