Steve Canyon Comics (1948) 6 FN 6.0
Interior oxidation.
Ended |
Jul 15 2020 |
Winning Bid |
$40 |
Cover by Milton Caniff. Stories and art by Milton Caniff, Bob Powell, and Frank Engli. Harvey reprints the second comic strip from Terry and the Pirates creator Caniff. WWII vet and aviator Canyon has adventures around the world during the Cold War. Steve meets Madame Lynx, the beautiful femme fatale modeled after Hollywood actress Ilona Massey. Plus a PSA about bike safety, and a vintage shoe ad featuring baseball legend Stan Musial. Kid Safety Says Play Safe!; Madame Lynx; Kid Brother; Plane Talk; Flossie; Ricky Roony; Sky Pirates of the Andes; Pilot's Revenge. Final issue of the series. 52 pages, full color.
Cover price $0.10.
Grade: FN 6.0
explanation of grade
Condition: Used (collectible)