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Comic books in 'Soldier'

  • Issue #387-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 387-1ST

    Volume 387 - 1st printing. "The Italian Army of World War I !" Written by David Nicolle. Art by Raffaele Ruggeri. The dilemma of the young Italian kingdom and the experience of her army in the Great War were unique among the combatant nations. Late to enter the war against the Central Powers, she faced a massively defended Austro-Hungarian front in the north, including strong mountain features, as well as distractions in the Balkans and a simultaneous rebellion in her Libyan colony. Costly and repeated battles on the Isonzo front culminated in the disaster of Caporetto in October 1917, followed by a remarkable revival and eventual victory in 1918. This concise study describes and illustrates the Italian Army's campaigns, organisation, uniforms, weapons and equipment – including the famous 'death companies' and Arditi assault troops. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #400-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 400-1ST

    Volume 400 - 1st printing. "Wellington's Peninsula Regiments (2)!" Written by Mike Chappell. Art by Mike Chappell. The forces which Wellington led in Portugal and Spain and up into southern France between 1808 and 1814 achieved a record of victory perhaps unmatched in the history of the British Army. Among his infantry the regiments of the Light Division were self-consciously an élite, trained to fight with initiative and independence on the exposed edges of the marching army. This book explains their evolution and tactics, details the campaigns in which they fought and illustrates the uniforms and equipment of the Light Infantry regiments: the 43rd (Monmouthshire), 52nd (Oxfordshire), 51st (2nd Yorkshire), 68th (Durham) and 85th (Bucks Volunteers). Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #402-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 402-1ST

    Volume 402 - 1st printing. "The British Army in World War I (2)!" Written by Mike Chappell. Art by Mike Chappell. In 1916, Britain was finally forced to introduce universal conscription to replace the terrible casualties suffered by the pre-war Regulars, the Territorials and the eager but unprepared volunteers of the 'New Armies'. In 1917 and 1918, the vastly expanded British Expeditionary Force became the most effective of all the combatant armies in France, its improved weapons and tactics forged in the furnaces of the Somme and the Ypres Salient. Shaken but resilient under Germany's last desperate offensive in spring 1918, it swept forward to final victory. This second of three titles charts its changing appearance in colourful detail. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #405-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 405-1ST

    Volume 405 - 1st printing. "Napoleon's Carabiniers!" Written by Ronald Pawly. Art by Patrice Courcelle. The two privileged regiments of Carabiniers survived the French Revolution with their elite status intact. They covered themselves with glory at Austerlitz, Friedland, Ratisbonne and Wagram - where their bloody losses shocked Napoleon into ordering them new helmets and cuirasses. Re-formed after near annihilation in Russia in 1812, they fought at Leipzig and in many actions of the 1814 French campaign, and made one of the final charges at Waterloo. lllustrated with rare early prints and meticulous colour reconstructions, this book details their story, and their unique uniforms, from surviving period documents. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #412-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 412-1ST

    Volume 412 - 1st printing. "Ukrainian Armies 1914–55!" Written by Eugene Pinak and Peter Abbott. Art by Oleksiy Rudenko. There can be no region in Europe whose history has been more tortured than Ukraine. During the 20th century Austria, Poland, Russia, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania vied for power over parts of this vast and fragmented area; and its divided peoples rose time and again in vain attempts to win their independence. For the first time in the West, this book gives a succinct summary of all the different armed forces raised among the Ukrainians, and of their uniforms and insignia. These are illustrated in colour and in a selection of extremely rare photographs, dating from the Great War to the aftermath of World War II, when Ukrainian guerrillas continued to defy the Soviet authorities until the mid-1950s. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #417-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 417-1ST

    Volume 417 - 1st printing. "The Irish Defence Forces since 1922!" Written by Donal MacCarron. Art by Bill Younghusband. Born in the Civil War of 1922-23, the army of the Republic of Ireland occupied a sensitive place in the national culture for many years. In World War II, it faced the challenge of maintaining Ireland's integrity as a neutral. Post-war, it found a new role in 1960, providing troops for the United Nations intervention in the war-torn Congo; and since then has supported UN missions in the Middle East and elsewhere. More recently the border with troubled Ulster has obliged the Republic to invest in reform and modernisation. Ireland's freedom to seek examples and equipment worldwide has created an interesting progression of uniforms, illustrated in this study of Ireland's forces over 80 years. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #421-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 421-1ST

    Volume 421 - 1st printing. "The Sikh Army 1799-1849!" Written by Ian Heath. Art by Michael Perry. The beginning of the 19th century saw the rise of a remarkable Sikh leader in the Punjab province of north-west India. Unifying the feudal rulers under his authority, the conquering Maharaja Ranjit Singh pursued campaigns of expansion for nearly 40 years, creating for the purpose a new regular army on the Western model. His death in 1839 found the frontiers of Sikh and British power in confrontation; in the 1840s the inevitable trial of strength brought British crown and East India Company troops into battle against the most formidable Indian army they ever faced. Its story is told here in fascinating detail, illustrated with rare early paintings and with colourful reconstructions of Punjabi regular soldiers and feudal warriors. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #435-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 435-1ST

    Volume 435- 1st printing. "The Confederate Army 1861-65 (4)!" Written by Ron Field. Art by Richard Hook. The common image of the Confederate Army during the Civil War is dominated by a limited number of early photographs of troops wearing the gray and butternut of the CS regulations and quartermaster issues. By contrast, this book examines the variety of uniforms worn by the Virginia and Arkansas militia and volunteers brought together in the Confederate field armies, and the continuing efforts to clothe them as wear-and-tear gradually reduced this wide range of uniforms. A mass of information from contemporary documents is illustrated with rare early photographs and meticulous color reconstructions. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #438-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 438-1ST

    Volume 438- 1st printing. "US Infantry in the Indian Wars 1865-91!" Written by Ron Field. Art by Ron Field. Contrary to the image portrayed by Hollywood, the infantry played as great a part in the Indian Wars of the 1860s-80s, and were more consistently successful than their more famous counterparts in the Cavalry. The great Paiute War of 1866, where the infantry of the most renowned Indian-fighting general, George Cook, excelled in battle, together with the role of other infantry units in the final subjugation of Geronimo's Apaches in 1886, are but two instances of their achievements. Featuring their involvement in the legendary battles of Wounded Knee and Wolf Mountains, this narrative presents an illustrated history of these critical but overlooked soldiers of the Indian Wars, culminating in the eventual closing of the American Frontier in 1890 and the final conquest of the indigenous inhabitants of North America. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #439-1ST
    Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 439-1ST

    Volume 439 - 1st printing. "The Canadian Corps in World War I!" Written by René Chartrand. Art by Gerry Embleton. This book describes the organization, lists the units and illustrates the uniforms and equipment of the four Canadian divisions which earned an elite reputation on the Western Front in 1915-18. Canada's 600,000 troops - of whom more than 66,000 died and nearly 150,000 were wounded - representedan extraordinary contribution to the British Empire's struggle. On grim battlefields from the Ypres-Salient to the Somme, and from their stunning victory at Vimy Ridge to the final triumphant 'Hundred Days' advance of autumn 1918, Canada's soldiers proved themselves to be a remarkable army in their own right, founding a national tradition. Softcover, PC/PB&W.

  • Issue #17-1ST
    Osprey Modelling Manual SC (1998-2002 1st Series) 17-1ST

    Volume 17 - 1st printing. "Messerschmitt Bf 109!" By Rodrigo Hernandez Cabos and Geoff Coughlin. With number 17 the Osprey Modelling Manuals start a regular subseries on modelling specific aircraft types. The first covers the standard Luftwaffe single-seat fighter of the early years of WW2, the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the mount of aces such as Adolf Galland and Werner Mölders. With detailed step-by-step model photography, specially commissioned walkround photography, scale drawings and wartime shots, these books will provide all the details needed to model the main Bf109 version — the 109E ‘Emil' — and other variants, particularly the ‘Gustav', the most numerous of all Bf 109 types, and the strange double-deck Mistel. Softcover, 7-in. x 10-in., 64 pages, full color. Cover price $17.95.

  • Issue #20-1ST
    Osprey Modelling Manual SC (1998-2002 1st Series) 20-1ST

    Volume 20 - 1st printing. "Focke-Wulf Fw 190!" By Rodrigo Hernandez Cabos and Geoff Coughlin. Osprey Modelling Manual 20 examines the Focke-Wulf 190, which entered Luftwaffe service in 1941. It would serve out the war as the best of all German fighters and fighter-bombers, and its variants would include Kurt Tank's extreme Ta152 tank-buster version (4 x 20mm, 1 x 30mm cannon). With detailed step-by-step model photography, specially commissioned walkround photography, scale drawings and wartime shots, these books will provide all the details needed to model the most common A8 version as well as the long-nosed FW190D and other variants. There is a full roundup of the models available on the market, details of where you can see the real thing, a select bibliography, and survey of websites of interest. Softcover, 7-in. x 10-in., 64 pages, full color. Cover price $17.95.

  • Issue #6-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 6-1ST

    Volume 6 - 1st printing. "Confederate Infantryman 1861-65!" Written by Ian Drury. Art by Gerry Embleton. The American Civil War was predominantly an infantryman's war. Artillery had improved substantially since 1815 and guns could inflict murderous losses if they had a clear field of fire. But most Civil War battlefields were characterised by sprawling forests and broken ground. Cavalry were important for reconnaissance, raiding and rearguard actions but there was little scope for sabre charges in the grand old manner when infantrymen armed with muzzle-loading rifles could face such tactics with confidence. Ultimately, the Confederacy's survival as a nation would largely depend on the fighting ability of its 642 infantry regiments. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #13-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 13-1ST

    Volume 13 - 1st printing. "Union Cavalryman 1861-65!" Written by Philip Katcher. Art by Richard Hook. The bombardment by Confederate artillery of Fort Sumter on 12 April 1861 was the spark that finally ignited the American Civil War, quickly bringing thousands of eager volunteers for the Union cause. It proved especially easy to raise cavalry, since recruits naively believed that their military duties would be easier than in the infantry. This book investigates all aspects of the life and experiences of a Union trooper, covering enlistment, training, uniforms, weapons, cavalry tactics and the discrepancy between the recruit's view of swashbuckling charges and heroic hand-to-hand combat and the less glorious reality. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #14-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 14-1ST

    Volume 14 - 1st printing. "Zulu 1816-1906!" Written by Ian Knight. Art by Angus McBride. Zulu military organisation was extremely sophisticated. Warriors were organised into regiments with some form of basic uniform and shields were state-manufactured and owned. Yet, in spite of this sophistication, much of the Zulu's military outlook was extremely primitive: firearms were ill understood, and between 1816 and 1906 the Zulu's maintained their primary reliance on hand-to-hand fighting. In this book Ian Knight investigates Zulu weaponry in detail, and also their society, beliefs and rituals, particularly with regard to ceremonies conducted before and after battles. Tactics, costume and customs are also carefully examined, making this a thorough account of the Zulu warrior. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #22-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 22-1ST

    Volume 22 - 1st printing. "Imperial Guardsman 1799-1815!" Written by Philip Haythornthwaite. Art by Richard Hook. Napoleon's Imperial Guard was one of the most famous military formations in history. The Imperial Guard could perform ceremonial duties as well as any, but it was primarily as an élite combat formation of the army that it excelled. Although it would expand to represent a considerable portion of France's military establishment, it remained Napoleon's personal guard and was accorded care and attention which set its members above the rest of the army. In this book, Philip Haythornthwaite examines their lives, organisation and privileges, paying particular attention to how their experience differed from those of the regular French line units. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #24-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 24-1ST

    Volume 24- 1st printing. "Austrian Grenadiers and Infantry 1788-1816!" Written by David Hollins. Art by Jeffrey Burn. Aside from the Peninsula and Napoleon's 1807 campaign, Austrian troops played some part in every major campaign of the Napoleonic Wars. Unable to mobilize its population fully for both political and economic reasons, Austria recruited from territories as diverse as modern Belgium, the Czech Republic, central Romania and northern Italy. These soldiers fought on terrains as diverse as the Po valley and the Swiss mountains. This book traces the life and experiences of both the ordinary infantry and the veteran elite of the Grenadier battalions, covering everything from basic training and equipment, to the tactics and horror of the battlefield. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #34-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 34-1ST

    Volume 34- 1st printing. "Confederate Artilleryman 1861-65!" Written by Philip Katcher. Art by Bill Younghusband. In the heady days of the rush to arms in 1861, comparatively few Southern men volunteered for service in the artillery: most preferred the easily accessible glory of the infantry or cavalry. Yet those that did quickly earned the respect of their fellow soldiers, and a reputation for being able to pull through deeper mud, ford deeper springs, shoot faster, swear louder ... than any other class of men in the service. Given that field artillery was invariably deployed in front of the troops that it was supporting, the artillerymen were exposed to a high level of enemy fire, and losses were significant. This title guides the reader through the life and experiences of the Confederate cannoneer - where he came from; how he trained and lived; how he dressed, ate and was equipped; and how he fought. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #36-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 36-1ST

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    Volume 36- 1st printing. "Grey Wolf!" Written by Gordon Williamson. Art by Darko Pavlovic. The scourge of Allied shipping during World War II, the U-Boot Waffe was one of the most feared components of Hitler's war machine, yet the Kriegsmarine was the least political branch of the Third Reich. The sailors of the U-boat arm were courageous, highly skilled seamen, who fought a war in the toughest conditions: subject to immense tension, and forced to cope with the challenges of the Atlantic, life for a U-boat recruit was far from easy. This title explores the life of a typical U-boat crewman, from recruitment, through training and service conditions, to combat experience throughout the war. Illustrated with many previously unpublished images, this book offers a fresh insight into the experiences of the men in Dönitz's legendary 'wolf packs'. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #42-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 42-1ST

    Volume 42- 1st printing. "Redcoat Officer!" Written by Stuart Reid. Art by Gerry Embleton. The commissioned officer ranks in the British Army from 1740-1815 were almost entirely composed of the affluent and educated - the sons of the landed gentry, the wealthy, and other professional people. This title looks at the enlistment, training, daily life and combat experiences of the typical British officer in the crucial periods of the North American conflicts, the American Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars. It compliments the author's previous treatments in Warrior 19 British Redcoat 1740-93 and Warrior 20 British Redcoat (2) 1793-1815, which deal exclusively with the common infantryman, and balances these discussions through a look at the 'fellows in silk stockings'. Particular emphasis is placed on the experiences and activities in North America in the late 18th century. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #47-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 47-1ST

    Volume 47- 1st printing. "British Rifleman 1797-1815!" Written by Philip Haythornthwaite. Art by Christa Hook. The rifle corps of the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars are among the most recognisable of all the soldiers of that era: their distinctive dark green uniforms are as familiar as some of their exploits. They have achieved considerable fame through the large numbers of memoirs written by members of the rifle corps as well as through modern fiction, most notably the Sharpe series. Apart from their reputation as a corps d'elite, the riflemen were, in their time, at the very cutting edge of military technology and tactical theory. Philip Haythornwaite here uses fascinating first hand accounts and detailed research to give a 'soldier's-eye view' of the British Rifleman, his life and work. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #51-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 51-1ST

    Volume 51- 1st printing. "Russian Grenadiers and Infantry 1799-1815!" Written by Laurence Spring. Art by Bill Younghusband. This title provides a comprehensive and vivid account of life in the Russian infantry at the turn of the 19th century - a time when the Russian army was arguably one of the most important in the world. Although hopelessly outdated at the outbreak of war in 1799, the army underwent radical changes and modernisation after Czar Paul I's murder. This book details recruitment and training procedures, tactics and equipment, and daily life both at home and on campaign. The experiences of the average soldier are examined, and several commonly held assumptions regarding his character and motivation are reassessed. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #52-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 52-1ST

    Volume 52- 1st printing. "US Naval Aviator!" Written by Robert Hargis. Art by John White. The US naval aviator of World War II played a pivotal part in the winning of the war. From the warm waters of the Pacific to the icy conditions of the Bering Sea (including the battle of Midway), the Naval aviator was on hand to fight the enemy in any and all conditions. Between 1940 and 1942 the training of the naval aviator lasted eleven months, divided into five separate and distinct phases. From phase one, known as the Elimination or E base for short, through to final assignment to a carrier based squadron, the training was demanding and unrelenting.This title examines the life and experiences of the US Naval Aviator in all three types of carrier squadron - fighters (VF), dive-bombers (VB) and the torpedo squadrons (VT). From recruitment to battle, the detail of what it was like to fly and fight for the US Navy is brought vividly to life. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #54-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 54-1ST

    Volume 54- 1st printing. "Confederate Cavalryman 1861-65!" Written by Philip Katcher. Art by Gerry Embleton. The southerner of the mid-19th century had been bred to ride horses. In addition the period southerner had long been used to handling firearms, through hunting for pleasure, food or simply for sport. The combination of these factors promised that when the southern states began to secede in December 1860, the cavalry would be a major combat arm. This title looks at how the men of the Confederate cavalry were recruited, trained, lived and fought. Both routine and campaign life are covered, as well as the weapons and equipment that served them in their combat roles. Key encounters such as the 1863 clash at Brandy Station are also covered in this authoritative text. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #57-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 57-1ST

    Volume 57- 1st printing. "French Napoleonic Infantryman 1803-15!" Written by Terry Crowdy. Art by Christa Hook. This title draws on contemporary testimonies of life in Napoleon's army, documenting the reality of conscription, training, camp life and combat action for the common infantry soldier. In contrast to most works on this period, it calls into question the propagandist views expounded by numerous Bonapartists - the romantic notion of La Gloire is very much tempered by some hard-hitting recollections of the horror and misery of military life 200 years ago. Packed with prints taken from contemporary sources and superb colour illustrations, it provides a concise, revealing and authentic portrait of life in the Grand Armée. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #60-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 60-1ST

    Volume 60- 1st printing. "Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861-65 !" Written by Philip Katcher. Art by Stephen Walsh. When the American Civil War broke out in 1861 both Confederate and Union experts decided that specialized sharpshooter units should be formed. These highly trained marksmen served in a front-line role and, due to the technological developments of the 1850s, were equipped with weapons that could guarantee greater accuracy over increased range than traditional muskets. This title examines the recruitment, training, tactics and deployment of sharpshooters from both sides of the conflict. It also takes a close look at the specialized personal weaponry of the sharpshooter, the rifle and its accoutrements, as well as the sharpshooters' unique insignia and identification patches. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #61-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 61-1ST

    Volume 61- 1st printing. "German Security and Police Soldier 1939-45!" Written by Gordon Williamson. Art by Velimir Vuksic. The security units of the Third Reich were many and diverse, yet often an oversimplified view is projected of these organisations. This title provides a detailed and informed picture of the variety of operations and duties, as well as the motivation and behaviour of the men involved. It charts the experiences of typical World War II security forces and police soldiers - from the routine of military traffic duty, to combating partisans and resistance fighters. It covers the military police of the Armed Forces proper and the Waffen-SS, the combat units of the German State Police, the SD Sicherheitsdienst, the Schutzmannschaft' units, and the extreme and dreaded anti-partisan units 'Dirlewanger' and 'Kaminski'. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #63-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 63-1ST

    Volume 63- 1st printing. "French Revolutionary Infantryman 1791-1802!" Written by Terry Crowdy. Art by Christa Hook. This title, a prequel to Warrior 57 French Napoleonic Infantryman 1803-15, concentrates on the period from the storming of the Bastille in 1789 until Bonaparte's election as Consul for Life in 1802. The meticulously researched text provides an authentic portrait of military life during the Revolution and beyond, with excellent use of contemporary sources, including many illuminating and vivid quotations from the memoirs and letters of those who served during the 'Wars of Liberty'. It follows typical volunteers of 1791, through the early stages of the war, the Civil War in the west of France and into Bonaparte's second Italian campaign, culminating in the Battle of Marengo in 1800. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #65-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 65-1ST

    Volume 65- 1st printing. "US Army Ranger 1983-2002!" Written by Mir Bahmanyar. Art by Michael Welply. This study of the US Army Ranger takes the reader through the distinct stages of training and acceptance, including the Ranger Indoctrination Program and Ranger Battalion training, and details the developments in Ranger weaponry, equipment and clothing since the early 1980s. Using first hand accounts, it shows what it was like to fight in Panama in 1989, in raid missions in Iraq in 1991 and Somalia in 1993, and brings the unit up to date with the 3rd Battalion's deployment to Afghanistan in Operation Enduring Freedom. It also covers the culture of the Rangers, from their special language and terminology, to the rites of passage that lie behind the formal training program. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #66-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 66-1ST

    Volume 66- 1st printing. "British Infantrymen in the Far East 1941-45!" Written by Alan Jeffreys. Art by Kevin Lyles and Jeff Vanelle. This title focuses on the experience, tactics, training and weapons of the British soldier from the Fall of Malaya and Singapore until the Reconquest of Burma. It takes a close look at jungle warfare training in India and the ensuing action in Burma, tracing the development of tactics and doctrine: this formed the basis for the victories in the Arakan and the battles of Kohima and Imphal. The soldier's view of India, the entertainment available on leave, food rationing and other supplies such as cigarettes, the introduction of the forces newspaper SEAC, and the medical problems of malaria are all explored in detail. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #67-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 67-1ST

    Volume 67- 1st printing. "The Cossacks 1799-1815 !" Written by Laurence Spring. Art by Philip Haythornthwaite and Adam Hook. During the Napoleonic Wars, the Cossacks were Russia's unique and plentiful supply of irregular cavalry. They were employed as skirmishers, raiders and scouts, and their tactics of harassment and harrying caused great problems for Napoleon's Grand Armée as it retreated through Russia in 1812. This title shows how, although labelled as rapacious, lascivious, mercenary and ill-disciplined on the field by their detractors, they laid claim to being the finest light cavalry in Europe. This book also details the various tribes that made up the Cossack nation, the social structure of Cossack life, and how they were organised and employed in war. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #69-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 69-1ST

    Volume 69- 1st printing. "Darby's Rangers 1942-45!" Written by Mir Bahmanyar. Art by Michael Welply. This title follows one recruit through commando, raiding and amphibious training in Scotland, and into action. It shows how the Rangers differed from the standard infantryman in both their combat mission and their combat skills, and how tactics were modified in the light of lessons learned. The experiences of battle covered include the Rangers' first action during the 1942 Dieppe raid, fighting elite Italian Bersaglieri units at Station de Sened and the Afrika Korps at Dernaia Pass in 1943, spearheading the invasion of Sicily and Italy in late 1943, and the gruelling combat up the Italian boot until war's end. Packed with first hand accounts, and many unpublished photographs, it provides a vivid description of life among the elite soldiers of Darby's Rangers. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #73-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 73-1ST

    Volume 73- 1st printing. "Tito's Partisans 1941-45!" Art by Velimir Vuksic. The civil war that raged in Yugoslavia following the German invasion in 1941 was brutal, uncompromising and complex, pitting royalists, fascists communists, ethnic groups, and the Axis powers against one another in a shifting and bloody theatre of war. The Partisan forces under the command of Josip Broz Tito were a constant thorn in the side of the Wehrmacht divisions in the Balkans, prompting numerous anti-partisan operations. Using primary source material, stunning contemporary images and personal accounts, this book explores a well-known but little published subject for the first time, bringing to light the development, training, weaponry, tactics and combat experiences of Tito's formidable guerrilla force, and the events of this bloody theatre of World War II. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #75-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 75-1ST

    Volume 75- 1st printing. "Comanche 1800-74!" Written by Douglas V Meed. Art by Jonathan Smith. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the numerous tribes of mounted Comanche warriors were the Lords of the Southern Plains. For more than 150 years, these ferocious raiders struck terror into the hearts of other plain tribes, Mexican villagers and Anglo settlers in frontier Texas. Their dominion stretched from southern Colorado and Kansas into northern Mexico. This book documents the life and experiences of a Comanche warrior at the peak of their dominance. Following a hypothetical figure through a lifetime, it covers key social and cultural aspects as well as documenting the methods and equipment that they used to wage war. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #77-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 77-1ST

    Volume 77- 1st printing. "French Soldier in Egypt 1798-1801!" Written by Terry Crowdy. Art by Christa Hook. This book concentrates on the dramatic experiences of Napoleon's Army of the Orient in Egypt and the Holy Land. The fighting of the Mamelukes and Turks are covered in depth, detailing desert combat, siege warfare, cavalry skirmishes and the suppression of uprisings. It examines the French treatment of prisoners as well as the fate of captured Frenchmen, and describes caring for the wounded, outbreaks of bubonic plague, and the terrible retreat from Acre in 1799, in accounts by the men who were there. The experiences of infantry, cavalry and sea soldiers of Napoleon's Army of the Orient are brought vividly back to life. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #80-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 80-1ST

    Volume 80- 1st printing. "Irish Volunteer Soldier 1913-23!" Written by Brendan O'Shea and Gerry White. Art by Bill Younghusband. The political situation in Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century was characterised by crisis and change. Armed rebellion against the British Crown, the prosecution of the Anglo-Irish War, the emergence of the Irish Free State, and the eruption of the Civil War over the treaty with Great Britain ensured that the birth of the modern Irish nation was bloody and difficult. This book details the life of an average Volunteer, and includes the experiences of internment, the lack of established medical facilities for wounded, life on the run, discipline, and typical duties. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #81-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 81-1ST

    Volume 81- 1st printing. "Hungarian Hussar 1756-1815!" Written by David Hollins. Art by Darko Pavlovic. The Hussar were the skilled, daring and flamboyant light cavalrymen first drawn for Hapsburg service, from what is now northern Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia and Hungary in the late 17th century. Before long, major European nations adopted Hussar formations, uniform and equipment. This title covers a dynamic and glamorous period, during which the Hussars were increasingly regulated within the Hapsburg army, and developments took place in clothing, weaponry and equipment, notably the introduction of short carbines and rifles. Battlefield tactics, campaign life, and famous episodes of derring-do are also given full treatment, making this a packed, colourful and fascinating study of the Hungarian Hussar. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #87-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 87-1ST

    Volume 87- 1st printing. "Italian Arditi!" Written by Angelo Pirocchi . Art by Velimir Vuksic. The Italian Reparti d'Assalto (Assault Units) of World War I were a truly elite force. The word ardito (pl. arditi) means bold or daring, and, as their name suggests, their role required courage, as well as specific combat skills. This book takes a close look at the origins, training, dress, weaponry and equipment of the Arditi, and examines the daily life, motivation and combat role of these elite soldiers. The legacy of their identity is also examined, in the presence of D'Annunzio and rise to power of Mussolini in post-war Italy. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #89-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 89-1ST

    Volume 89- 1st printing. "US Cavalryman 1891-1920!" Written by Alexander Bielakowski. Art by Raffaele Ruggeri. Following the Battle of Wounded Knee in 1890, the US Cavalry were called into action again with the declaration of war against Spain in 1898. In the years that followed, cavalrymen saw action in a wide variety of theaters. This title takes a close look at the formation and experiences of the average cavalryman in this fascinating period of change and development, and also considers the cavalry officer corps. Numerous developments in dress, training, equipment, weaponry and tactics are all covered here. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #90-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 90-1ST

    Volume 90- 1st printing. "US Marine Corps Tank Crewman 1965-70!" Written by Ed Gilbert. Art by Howard Gerrard. By 1960, following Korea, tanks and their crews had proved themselves to be a fundamental part of the Marine Corps' combined arms team. When the Marines were ordered to Vietnam in 1965, they took their tanks with them. This book explores this decision, which created a political storm. The presence of the tanks became a lightning rod for accusations of an 'escalation' of the war. Nevertheless, the tanks not only proved their value in the anti-guerrilla campaigns, but also amid the bitter conventional fighting and extraordinary casualties at Hue City. The ability to undertake such radical change and to prevail demonstrated the versatility, courage and tenacity that are the hallmarks of the 'ordinary' Marine. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #103-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 103-1ST

    Volume 103- 1st printing. "Macedonian Warrior!" Written by Waldemar Heckel and Ryan Jones. Art by Christa Hook. During the reigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Army - the phalangites - were reformed and drilled into an invincible fighting force with unique tactics and weaponry. The Macedonian warrior during his service would march over 20,000 miles in the most diverse climates and terrains, fighting in four of the epoch battles of the time. This book examines their initial training, rise to an elite unit under Alexander the Great, and eventual defeat at the battle of Pydna, 168 BC. The daily life, weaponry, experience, and motivations of these men are detailed, using primary sources and anecdotal material. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #105-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 105-1ST

    Volume 105- 1st printing. "Native American Mounted Rifleman 1861-1865!" Written by Mark Lardas. Art by Jonathan Smith. Before the American Civil War most Native Americans or Indians lived in an area of the South known as the Five Civilized Nations. At the war's outbreak many of these Indians enlisted in the Confederate and Union armies, and were organized into regiments of mounted riflemen. They were motivated to protect their land and way of life, often fighting against their fellow Indians from other Tribes. This book explores these fascinating warriors, and their controversial actions in battles, such as Pea Ridge and Bird Creek, using contemporary sources to detail not only their battle experience but also their beliefs and views of the war. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #108-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 108-1ST

    Volume 108 - 1st printing. "Mau-Mau Warrior!" Written by Abiodun Alao. Art by Christa Hook. The Mau-Mau uprising (1952-60) remains a controversial conflict, waged by warriors about whom many myths have been formed, but little truth has been written. Condemned by history as a brutal rag-tag force engaged in oath-taking, cannibalism and witchcraft, the military activities of the Mau-Mau have long been overlooked. Although their skill, organization and unique motivation forced the British government to undertake the longest airlift in military history, and to deploy extensive force at a cost of almost £60 million, before it could claim victory. This book reveals the real men and women behind the Mau-Mau; the truth behind the oaths that bound them together; and how they became powerful. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #112-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 112-1ST

    Volume 112- 1st printing. "US Marine Rifleman 1939-45!" Written by Gordon L Rottman. Art by Howard Gerrard. The Marine Corps began World War II with less than 66,000 officers and men. Yet despite suffering 10 per cent of the overall American casualties, the Marines were able to build on their proud traditions and history to transform a small branch of service into a premier combined arms amphibious assault force. Regardless of its expansion by 750 percent, the Corps was able to maintain its sense of tradition, instill that into thousands of new Marines, and create an elite arm of service. In this book, Gordon Rottman, follows a Marine Corps rifleman through his draft, training and participation in assaults such as: Roi-Namur in the Marshall Islands, Saipan and Tinian in the Mariana Islands, and Iwo Jima. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #116-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 116-1ST

    Volume 116- 1st printing. "Viet Cong Fighter!" Written by Gordon L Rottman. Art by Howard Gerrard. An enemy in the shadows, the Viet Cong was the military arm of the National Liberation Front, the Communist Party of the Republic of Vietnam. Often working with the North Vietnamese Army, they were a constant factor amid the rice paddies and battlefields throughout the war. Despite fighting an enemy with overwhelming firepower and resources, they ingeniously made use of the local environment and resources to wage war. Gordon L Rottman uses rare photographs and artwork to paint vivid portraits of these determined guerrilla warriors, discussing their initial training, their unique motivation, extensive political and psychological indoctrination, and the brutal reality of combat experience. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #117-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 117-1ST

    Volume 117- 1st printing. "French Resistance Fighter!" Written by Terry Crowdy. Art by Steve Noon. Working as an underground force, the French Resistance was initially formed spontaneously from scattered groups of the displaced and discontent. As the war progressed the Resistance developed into a secret army, terrorizing the occupying forces and would-be collaborators alike although they were unprotected by the Geneva Convention and faced torture and execution if captured. Striking photographs, coupled with first-hand accounts of capture and its terrible consequences, create an engaging and human history of the French Resistance fighter. Terry Crowdy details the military achievements, tactics, backgrounds and motivations of the patriots whose assistance helped ensure the success of the D-Day landings and French liberation. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #119-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 119-1ST

    Volume 119- 1st printing. "American Bomber Crewman 1941-45!" Written by Gregory Fremont-Barnes. Art by Seán Ó'Brógáin. Gregory Fremont-Barnes examines the lives of the American Bomber Crewmen of the Eighth Air Force, 'The Mighty Eighth', who manned, maintained and repaired the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses and the B-24 Liberators that flew from the airfields of England. He highlights the physical and psychological strain placed on these men, who required brute strength to control the aircraft on long bombing missions and extraordinary endurance to fly for hours at 20,000 feet at temperatures below freezing in unpressurised cabins. In addition to this, with Luftwaffe fighters and anti-aircraft fire to contend with, it required incredible skill and some luck to return from a mission unscathed. This book is a fitting tribute to these often uncelebrated heroes who took the war deep into the Third Reich, as well as a fascinating historical account of their experiences. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #121-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 121-1ST

    Volume 121- 1st printing. "Soldier of the Pharaoh!" Written by Nic Fields. Art by Peter Bull. Mythical in their own time, the power and status of the Pharaohs of Egypt have remained so through the millennia. In this book, Nic Fields explores the lives of the ordinary soldiers who sustained Middle Kingdom Egypt. Using rare artefacts he reconstructs the day-to-day existence of the Pharaoh's army from archers to hand-to-hand fighters, through to the 'sole-companions' of the Pharaoh. Quoting from ancient sources he narrates sea and land battles in dramatic detail, all the while providing the reader with a rare insight into the minutiae of the soldier's life, from the food he ate to the gods he worshipped. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #127-1ST
    Osprey Warrior Series SC (1993-2011 OSPREY) 127-1ST

    Volume 127- 1st printing. "Native American Code Talker in World War II!" Written by Ed Gilbert. Art by Raffaele Ruggeri. 'Were it not for the Navajo Code Talkers the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima and other places' (Anonymous, Marine Corps signal officer). Ed Gilbert uses personal interviews with veterans to tell their fascinating story. Beginning with the first operational use of Native American languages in World War I, he explores how in World War II the US again came to employ this subtle, but powerful 'weapon.' Despite all efforts, the Japanese were never able to decode their messages and the Navajo code talkers contributed significantly to US victories in the Pacific. Approximately 400 Navajos served in this crucial role. Their legend of the 'code talker' has been celebrated by Hollywood in films, such as Windtalkers, and this book reveals the real-life story of their extraordinary involvement in World War II. Softcover, 64 pages, PC/PB&W. Cover price $18.95.

  • Issue #1
    OSS in WW 2 (2002) 1

    Operation Dragoon - Story and Art by Ron Ledwell. The debut issue of this new series focuses on the exciting exploits of the legendary Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.), during the Second World War. This top-secret American military force was the predecessor for the CIA and for elite special operations units like the modern day Navy Seals and Army Rangers. O.S.S. forces engaged in hair-raisingly dangerous campaigns against the Nazi and Axis forces; often going in before the regular military units to scout the front, to glean vital intelligence, and to cripple the enemy defenses with sabotage. If you like stories of espionage and daring-do behind-the-lines World War II action, then this is the comic for you! 28 pages, B&W. Cover price $3.75.

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    $12 The O.S.S. in WW2 #1 (2002 New England Comics) VF/NM

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