In this 44-page issue titled "Crisis from Yesterday!," (story line continues in #160) the annual team-up for the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America takes place. This year it seems like a one-sided battle as the JLA/JSA take on the heroes out of DC's historical epochs--Jonah Hex, Viking Prince, Miss Liberty, Black Pirate and Eneny Ace. Written by Gerry Conway with art by Dick Dillin and inks by Frank McLaughlin. This issue features Superman I and II, Silver Age Batman, Green Lantern I and II, SA Green Arrow, Wonder Woman I and II, the SA Flash I and II, the SA Black Canary, the SA Atom, Dr. Mid-Nite, Star-Spangled Kid, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, the Elongated Man, and the SA Red Tornado. That's quite a lineup!
Cover price $0.50.