"I Sing of Arms and Heroes..." Part 1 of 2. Script by John Byrne. Pencils by John Byrne. Inks by Mike Machlan. Cover by John Byrne. The ranks of the West Coast Avengers are growing as Iron Man and the original Human Torch join the team! The golden age torch receives a warm reception, but
Shell-Head gets a cold one. Meanwhile across the compound, Agatha Harkness pays a visit to the Vision and the Scarlet Witch to talk to them about their children. The aging witch from Whisper Hill says that Tommy and Billy disappear when Wanda stops thinking about them. Whoa, is this true?
However before Wanda can respond, Master Pandemonium suddenly attacks! The Avengers swiftly leap into action against his demon horde! But during the mêlée, Master Pandemonium kidnaps the twins! Where on Earth or elsewhere
has he taken them? Cameo appearances by Ann Raymond and Immortus. (Note: Agatha Harkness previously appeared in issue #5 of the second Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) limited series.) 32 pages.
Cover price $1.00.