Cover by Bud Thompson. Stories by Bill Woolfolk, Art Helfant and Howard Boughner. Art by Bud Thompson, Art Helfant, and Howard Boughner. Superhero action with Freddy Freeman, who gains the same powers as his hero Captain Marvel, better known these days as Shazam. Sivana Jr. sets up a series of social faux pas for Captain Marvel Jr. (such as almost dropping an elephant on a crowd) in an effort to make him unpopular. Freddy Freeman realizes that the donkey Jasper can run as fast as any racehorse, but the owner of actual racehorses refuses to let him in the race. Professor Edgewise's latest invention, the Gigantic Buzzsaw, is sabotaged by a rival and runs amuck, threatening to slice the city into thin strips suitable for construction. The World's Most Unpopular Boy; Rubbernose Randolph; Judge Smudge; False-Face Murder; The Derby Donkey; Doc Quack and Brack; The Gigantic Buzzsaw; Kanvasback: Train Crazy. 32 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.