Painted cover art by Morris Gollub. Trouble on the River, art by Ralph Mayo; Gerry and Rocky set off downriver towards Santaro floating some hardwood logs; On their way Lassie helps save the passengers of a riverboat from a flood. Message from the Sky, art by Ralph Mayo; Rocky intercepts a carrier pigeon with a message for Cupac, an Indian renegade who raids villages for slaves for his hidden rubber plantation. Blaze of Glory text story. Untitled Reina the Black Jaguar story, art by Ralph Mayo. King of the Amazon, art by Ralph Mayo; Lassie and her friends go to Rosario where a fiesta is to be held to raise money for a hospital. Ad for Tom and Jerry Comics #142. Facts about the St. Bernard. Br'er Rabbit ad for Scotch cellophane tape. 36 pages, full color.
Cover price $0.10.