Cover art by Jim Mooney. "Do You Make Life Hard for Yourself?" public service announcement by Jack Schiff, art by Bernard Baily; Betsy tells young Bobby that he should keep his room neater but realizes that she has the same problem. "The Marauders from Thunderbolt Island" featuring Dial H for Hero, script by Dave Wood, art by Jim Mooney; The Thunderbolt Gang sets up a man-made island as their new headquarters, but Robby's three heroes defeat the gang's plans again. The Spectre ad. Batman ad with The Riddler. "Manhunter, World's Greatest Clown!" starring J'onn J'onzz Manhunter from Mars, script by Jack Miller, art by Joe Certa; Professor Hugo uses his mind control machine to force J'onn J'onzz to perform in a circus. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.12.