48-page Flipbook Edition. "Lure of the Spider." Web of Life Part 1 of 4.Script by Terry Kavanagh. Art by Steven Butler (breakdowns), Randy Emberlin (finishes), and Don Hudson (finishes). Cover by Steven Butler. As the daysgo by, Ben Reilly (aka the Spider-Clone) becomes more and more comfortable with his new life as the Scarlet Spider! And after defeating Tombstone in a street battle, he's feeling even better about himself and establishing some chemistry with Betty Brant! But mysterious forces are plotting his demise!Do the Grim Hunter and Kaine know that the Scarlet Spider is the clone? Or do they even care? Story continues in Spider-Man #54. Cameo appearances by Aunt May, Mary Jane Watson, Gayle Watson Byrnes, and Spider-Man (aka PeterParker). Flip story: "Cold Blood." Story by Greg Cox. Illustrations by Mark Bagley. Back cover by Tom Grummett and Klaus Janson. This 15-pageabridged story (with clip art) is taken from the Ultimate Spider-Man anthology (1994 Novel) by Berkley Books. The short story features Spider-Man vs. Morbius. 48 pages.
Cover price $2.25.