- Cover detached at one staple. 1" cumulative spine split.
- 4 1/2" Cumulative spine split. Cover detached.
Cover pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye. "The Girl Who Saw the Future Superboy!" starring Krypto, script by Jerry Coleman, art by Al Plastino; When Lana Lang accidentally sees Superman and Lois Lane kissing in the future on a time-viewer, and learns that Lois lived in Pittsdale in Lana's time-period, she manages to go to Pittsdale and tries to sabotage Lois's chances of becoming a reporter and getting to Metropolis, so that Lana herself may have no competition for Superman. Ad for Giant Superman Annual. Ad for Secret Origins. Gifts From Your Elders! public service announcement, script by Jack Schiff, art by Bernard Baily. Little Pete humor page by Henry Boltinoff. "The Unwanted Super-Tot!" starring Superbaby, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, and Clark Kent, script by Jerry Siegel, art by George Papp. "Pete Ross' Super-Secret!", script by Otto Binder, art by George Papp; Pete Ross learns Superboy's secret identity while on a camping trip! Shorty humor page by Henry Boltinoff. Ad for Superman, Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, and Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.