Cover pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye. "The Super-Weakling from Space" starring Superboy, Dworn, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, and Lana Lang, script by Jerry Coleman, art by George Papp; A young alien named Dworn arrives on Earth and befriends Clark Kent; Clark soon discovers that Dworn has the ability to turn other objects into solid gold. Sgt. Bilko's Pvt. Doberman ad. Ollie humor page by Henry Boltinoff. "Superboy's Moonlight Spell" starring Superboy and Jonathan and Martha Kent, art by Al Plastino; Superboy continues to experiment in his junior lab in the hopes of finding a cure for Kryptonite poisoning; His experiment malfunctions however and a mysterious gas blankets Superboy. Flashlight Projector - Superboy's Workshop activity page. "The Amazing Adventures of Krypto Mouse," script by Jerry Coleman, art by John Sikela; Tommy Ewell's parents force him to get rid of all of his pets, including his beloved mouse, Fuzzy; He releases Fuzzy into a field, where the mouse proceeds to scamper about until it finds the laboratory of Professor Egglehead; Fuzzy interrupts the path of Professor Egglehead's Atomic Krypton Ray, and the resulting exposure transforms him into a large bipedal mouse with all of the powers of Superboy. Nature's Prize Pupil! public service announcement, script by Jack Schiff, art by Bob Brown. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.