Cover by Bernard Baily. "The Ghost of Elmer Watson," script by Jerry Siegel, art by Bernard Baily; Elmer Watson comes back to avenge his own death, something that causes the Spectre more headaches than problems solved. "The Blasting Gang," starring Detective Sergeant Carey, script and art by Joe Donohoe. "The Thing," starring Congo Bill, art by George Papp. "Rest in Indai," starring Captain Desmo, art by Ed Winiarski. "The Excursion Boat Fire," starring Radio Squad, script by Jerry Siegel, art by Fred Ray. "The Araba Avalanche,' starring Lance Larkin, art by Harold Sharp. 'The Airport Saboteurs,' starring Biff Bronson, script by Albert Sulman, art by Joe Sulman. Untitled Sergeant O'Malley of the Red Coat Patrol story, art by John Lehti. "The Menace of Mayoor," script by Gardner F. Fox, art by Howard Sherman; Dr. Fate and Inza visit an ancient temple and run smack into Mayoor, the ancient evil Mayan god, who puts Inza under his evil spell. 68 pgs., full color. $0.10.
Cover price $0.10.