Cover pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Sheldon Moldoff. "The Riddle of the Alien Satellite," art by George Roussos; A glowing satellite lands on Earth, emitting rays that make everything around it shrink. "It's Fun to Learn!" public service announcement, script by Jack Schiff, art by Bernard Baily; Ted teaches Billy and Steve about levers while they are cleaning up a vacant lot, touting the value of science class. One-page Dr. Floogle story by Henry Boltinoff. "The Deadly Safaris," art by Bernard Baily; A swindler uses three enchanted artifacts to bring people under his control and force them to locate a fantastic lost treasure for him. "Death Knock!" half-page filler, script and art by Mort Drucker. Half-page Doctor Rocket story by Henry Boltinoff. "The Vengeful Victim" text story. "The Forbidden Face of Fa-San!", art by Bill Ely; Three treasure hunters encounter a strange three-headed idol; Two of the heads bring good fortune, but the third punishes the greedy hunter who tries to cheat his partners. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.