Steve Rogers returns as Cap in "Seeing Red," an 68-page giant issue. Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by Kieron Dwyer and Al Milgrom. The Red Skull is back! And he tricks John Walker into fighting Steve Rogers! Can the former shield-slinger defeat John Walker, stop the Red Skull, and win back his old uniform and shield? Back up story: "Resurrection" Story by Mark Gruenwald. Art by John Byrne and Joe Marzan Jr. Following the events of Captain America 300, Armin Zola transferred the mind of the Red Skull into a new cloned body. (Note: This issue includes six pages of pin-ups that feature Captain America's past and present partners, the women in Steve Rogers' life, and the five other men who have worn the uniform of Captain America. Art by John Buscema, Al Milgrom, Ron Frenz, Joe Sinnott, and Tom Morgan.)
Cover price $1.75.