- Centerfold detached at one staple.
Cover pencils by Curt Swan and Kurt Schaffenberger (Lois Lane figure touch-up), inks by George Klein. "Half a Superman!", pencils by Curt Swan, inks by George Klein; Red Kryptonite particles in a comet cause Superman's left side, and Krypto's right side, to become vulnerable; unfortunately, it's on a day when Lois wants to prove that Superman is really Clark. Batman and Robin ad. Lois Lane ad. Supermen of America ad. 1st Supergirl emergency squad in "Supergirl's Super Boy-Friends!", script by Jerry Siegel, art by Jim Mooney; A gift from Phantom Girl is unfortunately made from Red Kryptonite, which makes Supergirl bestow super-powers on her mother, Dick, and Jerro when she kisses them. Superman ad. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.12.