- 1" tear reaching most interior pages. 1 1/2" tear from top.
First 12-cent cover price. Cover pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye. Legion of Super-Villains appearance in "The Red Kryptonite Menace!", script by Robert Bernstein, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye; Two shape-changing Durlans arrive on earth from the 30th century; They collect red and green kryptonite in an attempt to kill Superman; Three different Red Kryptonite meteors give Superman the ability to make his wishes come true, shoot fire from his mouth when he talks and read minds; Chameleon Men disguise themselves as President John F. Kennedy and Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev. One-page Little Pete story by Henry Boltinoff. "The Six Red 'K' Perils of Supergirl!", script by Jerry Siegel, art by Jim Mooney; When Mr. Mxyzptlk made Supergirl invulnerable to Kryptonite, he neglected to extend the spell to cover Red Kryptonite as well. As a result, exposure to six Red K meteors turns Supergirl into a fat girl, a wolf-girl, and a microbe-sized girl. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.12.