- Cover and centerfold detached at one staple. Interior and exterior pen marking.
Last 10-cent cover price. Cover pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye. "Superman's Toughest Day!", script by Bill Finger, art by Al Plastino; A day in Superman's life. His Clark Kent robot has to avoid showing the damage to his hands while on a date with Lois. One-page Shorty story by Henry Boltinoff. One-page Sagebrush Sam story by Henry Boltinoff. "The Supergirl of Tomorrow!", script by Jerry Siegel, art by Jim Mooney; Using a time machine, a powerless Supergirl travels to the future, where her powers return and she frees humanity from the tyrannical reign of the Clan of Censors. One-page Little Pete story by Henry Boltinoff. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.