Avengers (1963 1st Series) 260 CGC 9.8
Top CGC census grade for this issue.
Paper: White
Label #4484878008
"Assault on Sanctuary II" Secret Wars II crossover. Guest-starring Firelord. Script by Roger Stern. Art by John Buscema (breakdowns) and Tom Palmer (finishes). Cover by John Byrne. With Nebula threatening the entire universe, Captain America, the Wasp, and General Zedrao plan the assault on Thanos' former starship! Earth's Mightiest Heroes have not visited Sanctuary II, since the classic Avengers Annual 7, but now alongside the sinister Skrulls, the six avengers attack! Nebula has the awesome weaponry of Sanctuary II at her disposal, but the Skrull armada, Hercules, Captain Marvel, and Firelord are charging hard! Who will win the savage outer space shootout? And could unexpected help be coming somewhere from beyond? Story continues in Avengers Annual 14. Cameo appearances by Queen Adora, the Beyonder, and Thanos (General Zedrao in disguise). Avengers Lineup: Black Knight, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Hercules, Starfox, and the Wasp. (Note: The first issue of the West Coast Avengers regular series was published this month.)
Cover price $0.65.