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Comic books in 'Flash'

  • Issue #225
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 225
    Published Feb 1974 by DC.
    • Paper: Off white to white
    • Label #4041659024
    • Cover detached. One wrap detached at one staple.
    • Cover detached at one staple.
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout. Graded by MCS, not consignor.

    Cover art by Nick Cardy. Green Lantern...Master Criminal of the 25th Century, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Dick Giordano; When a weird alien horse from the future starts to destroy the Earth in the present, Flash and Green Lantern travel to the future to team up with Professor Zoom to try to stop it. Short essay about the Comicmobile, created by Sol Harrison to deliver comics. Letter from noted letter hack Guy Lillian III. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer tabloid ad. 100 Page Batman and Witching Hour ad. See-Action Football Game ad in strip form. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.20.

  • Issue #226
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 226
    Published Mar 1974 by DC.
    • Paper: White
    • Slab: Significant front/back scuff(s)
    • Label #22-40C0498-029
    • Water damage.

    Cover art by Nick Cardy. Hot-Cold War in Central City!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Dick Giordano and Frank McLaughlin; Heat Wave is paroled from prison but he goes on a crime spree once free; from inside prison, Captain Cold tries a plan that requires Barry Allen's help. The Powerless Power Ring!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano, inks by Dick Giordano; Green Lantern struggles with a power ring that appears to be malfunctioning due to a spectacular cosmic phenomenon, but the real cause of the malfunction is much more Earth-bound; GL eats funny mushrooms while camping. Letter from noted letter hack Guy Lillian III. Disneykin play characters ad. Famous 1st Edition Action Comics 1 ad. Batman tabloid ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.20.

  • Issue #227
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 227
    Published May 1974 by DC.

    Cover art by Nick Cardy. Flash -- This Is Your Death!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Captain Boomerang's father is working on a scrap-book of Boomerang's latest run-in with the Flash; the scrapbook predicts the demise of Flash; Captain Boomerang attacks. My Ring... My Enemy!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Dick Giordano; Green Lantern's ring is not working correctly, causing him to do an evil act for every good act, but Green Lantern must still save people caught in a forest fire. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.20.

  • Issue #228
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 228
    Published Aug 1974 by DC.

    Cover art by Nick Cardy. The Day I Saved the Life of the Flash, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Cary Bates drives into a fog and ends up on Earth-1, having to help the Flash defeat the Trickster. My Enemy... Myself!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Frank Giacoia; Green Lantern has to rescue six kids and their counselor from a forest fire, but every time he uses his ring he gets angrier and angrier. Sensation Comics 1 and Tarzan tabloid ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.20.

  • Issue #229
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 229
    Published Sep 1974 by DC.
    • Paper: White
    • Label #21-4189128-019

    100-page giant. Cover art by Nick Cardy. Flash and the Golden Age Flash team up in the new story The Rag Doll Runs Wild!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Barry Allen travels to Earth-2 when Joan Garrick contacts him and tells him that Jay is acting strangely; the two Flashes stop The Thinker and Rag Doll who are on a crime spree. The other stories in this 100-page special are reprints. Half a Green Lantern Is Better Than None!, script by John Broome, pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Sid Greene; Black Hand has created a device to store Green Lantern's ring energy and tries to use that energy to imprison Green Lantern in another dimension. Pinup including all three Flashes. Find-a-Word Flash puzzle. Secret of the Handicapped Boys! starring Kid Flash, script by John Broome, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Joe Giella. Trivia questions on Flash history and foes. The Man Who Wore Ten Hats! starring Johnny Quick, script by Bill Finger, pencils by Mort Meskin, inks by George Roussos. The Secret City starring Jay Garrick, script by Robert Kanigher, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Frank Giacoia. Girl From the Super-Fast Dimension! starring Barry Allen, script by Gardner Fox, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Joe Giella. 100 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.60.

  • Issue #230
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 230
    Published Nov 1974 by DC.

    Cover art by Nick Cardy. The Fury of the Fire Demon!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; The Flash's old friend Al Desmond's Dr. Alchemy personality takes over and tries to take over the city with the flames of a fire demon, Vadtara. The Man from Yesterday!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Green Lantern visits a "Spirit of '76" exhibit which gets taken by robots into outer space where he meets Aaron Burr, the man who killed Alexander Hamilton. Saturday on CBS ad. Ghosts and Batman 1 tabloid ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.20.

  • Issue #231
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 231
    Published Feb 1975 by DC.

    Last 20-cent issue. Cover art by Nick Cardy. The Only Crook Flash Could Never Catch!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Barry Allen finds out about a secret gathering of the Rogue's Gallery, so he attends, pretending to be a super-villain named "Dude, who boasts he's the only villain that ever beat Flash. The Man of Destiny!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Green Lantern has dinner with Aaron Burr aboard his spaceship and finds out how he came to still be living 170 years after he appeared to die. Vampire, mummy, and time machine MPC model kits ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad with Batman. Evel Knievel toy back cover ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #232
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 232
    Published Mar 1975 by DC.
    • Paper: White
    • Label #21-4189128-020

    100-page giant. Cover art by Nick Cardy. Flash and Kid Flash team up in the new story Death-Rattle of the 12-Hour Man!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; The Myrmitons return to Earth and unleash Bio-X; Flash and Kid Flash team up to stop the threat; Stacy Conwell comes to visit Barry and Iris Allen. The other stories in this 100-page special are reprints. Meet Kid Flash two-page article. The Duel of the Super-Heroes!, script by John Broome, pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Joe Giella; When Green Lantern exceeds the speed of light he crashes on the extra-dimensional planet of Spectar; the aliens there brainwash him and send him to Earth to capture the Flash. The Images of Doom, script by Robert Kanigher, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Frank Giacoia; Professor Lexon tries to kill Jay Garrick and Dr. Maria Flura to prevent anyone from discovering his new invention. Flash crossword puzzle. The 9th Wonder of the World! starring Johnny Quick, script by Bill Finger, pencils by Mort Meskin, inks by George Roussos. Vengeance Via Television!, script by John Broome, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Joe Giella. 100 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.60.

  • Issue #233
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 233
    Published May 1975 by DC.
    8 bids
    Current bid: $24.00
    Time left: 13h 43m

    Return of the 25-cent cover price. Cover art by Dick Giordano. Deadly Secret of the Flash, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Tex Blaisdel; Reverse Flash pretends he is Barry Allen. World That Bet on War!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Terry Austin and Dick Giordano; Two aliens wager over who could beat who...Green Lantern or a Sherman tank. Batman and the Mummy Hostess Twinkies strip ad. Super-Hero stick-ons ad. The Bible and All Star Comics 3 tabloids ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #234
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 234
    Published Jun 1975 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua], inks by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. I'm Going To Kill You Flash--But Not Till I'm Good and Ready, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Flash must battle Saber-Tooth and wax replicas of the Rogues Gallery. And the Winner Is--Death!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Terry Austin and Dick Giordano; Green Lantern stands between two warring tanks. Superman The Spy Hostess Fruit Pies strip ad. Stalker and Beowulf ad. DC tabloids ad. Letter from comics historian Peter Sanderson. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #235
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 235
    Published Aug 1975 by DC.
    • Paper: White
    • Label #4523981009
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.

    Cover art by Dick Giordano. Vandal Savage--Wanted Dead and Alive!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Vandal Savage kidnaps Iris and Carol to try to force Flash and Green Lantern to do his wishes. House ad for tabloid Famous 1st Editon Flash 1 and Limited Collectors' Edition Batman. Hostess baseball cards ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #236
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 236
    Published Sep 1975 by DC.

    Cover art by Mike Grell. Nowhere on the Face of the Earth, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Flash searches for Iris; once he finds her, she doesnt know who he is. Shazam! Minerva Menace! Hostess Twinkies ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table ad, art by Nestor Redondo. Manbat ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #237
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 237
    Published Nov 1975 by DC.

    Cover art by Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua]. The 1,000-Year Separation!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash can't come near Iris Allen because his invisible aura will set off a chain-reaction that will destroy the world. Shazam! Minerva Menace! Hostess Twinkies ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Let There Be... Darkness!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Mike Grell, inks by Bill Draut; The Guardians send Green Lantern to the planet of Zerbon to stop the Olys; The Olys create a barrier in space to shut off the light to the planet. Batman and Superman family of titles ad. Letter to the editor for comics historian Peter Sanderson. Wizard of Oz tabloid ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #238
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 238
    Published Dec 1975 by DC.
    • Paper: Off white to white
    • Label #21-2156ce3-042

    Cover pencils by Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua], inks by José Luis García-López. The Captive Commissioner Hostess ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. A Switch In Crime!, script by Cary Bates and Bob Rozakis, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash must stop a criminal who can change places with ordinary citizens at a moment's notice; Flash battles Mr. Originality. Ad for Pom Poms candy featuring Tarzan and dinosaurs, art by Joe Kubert. The Day of the Falling Sky!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Mike Grell, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Green Lantern attempts to stop a menacing alien race and saves the Ayries from a robot. Super Friends and Dick Tracy tabloid ad. Blitzkrieg, Warlord, and Hercules ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #239
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 239
    Published Feb 1976 by DC.

    Last 25-cent issue. Cover art by Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua]. Tailor Made Crimes of Central City, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; The Mirror Master convinces Paul Gambi to make The Flash a new costume, but as soon as he starts wearing it, the Scarlet Speedster begins to act out of character; co-starring Kid Flash and a host of rogues. Dusty and Skye doll ad. Hostess Cupcakes ad with Shazam! Amazing World of DC Comics ad. Rudolph and Christmas with the Super-Heroes tabloid ad. DC 8 figures ad from NCG Merchandise. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.25.

  • Issue #240
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 240
    Published Mar 1976 by DC.
    • Paper: White
    • Label #4523981011
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.

    First 30-cent issue. Cover art by Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua]. Collision Course With Disaster, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Stacy Conwell, the college girl that lives with Barry and Iris Allen, has a premonition of Flash's death. The Floods Will Come!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Mike Grell, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Green Lantern and Itty battle a space creature. Ad for Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man. Super-Hero Stick-Ons ad. Juvenile Justice public service ad with Superman. Ad for Super DC Calendar and other DC merchandise. Batman and Superman life-size hang-ups ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #241
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 241
    Published May 1976 by DC.

    Cover art by Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua]. Twinkieless Gotham City Hostess Twinkies starring Batman and Penguin, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Steal, Flash, Steal!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Mirror Master has used mesmerizing mirrors to make Flash believe he is a crook; The Flash commits several robberies before an assist from Dexter Myles, masquerading as Heat Wave, shows the Flash he is not a crook and allows him to capture Mirror Master. To Kill a Star!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Mike Grell, inks by Tex Blaisdell; Green Lantern is chasing the Ravagers, who attempt to kill the sun of Jotham, but he uses the nuclear reactors of a space ship to kick up the fusion activity of the sun. Ad for pajamas and other DC super-hero merchandise. Batman and More Secret Origins of Super-Villains tabloid ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #244
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 244
    Published Sep 1976 by DC.

    Cover art by Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua]. Last Day of June Is The Last Day of Central City, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Mirror Master, and Weather Wizard must retrieve and defuse bombs left throughout Central City by the late Top. Hostess Twinkies baseball cards ad. Black and Blue Rolling Stones single offer. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes and Superman vs. The Flash tabloid ad. DC TV Comic ad with Shazam!, Isis, Welcome Back, Kotter and the Super Friends. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. Letter from comics historian Peter Sanderson. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #245
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 245
    Published Nov 1976 by DC.

    Cover art by Ernie Chan [as Ernie Chua]. Who Put the Zing in the Flash?, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; The Zinger Gang zaps Flash, sweeping him off his feet and through the air. Perilous Plan of the Plant-Master!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Terry Austin; Woodrue, eager to get to Green Lantern, evolves himself into a truly Floronic Man. CBS Saturday cartoon ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. Superman and Batman hang-ups ad. 1977 Super DC Calendar ad. Super Friends school supplies ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #246
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 246
    Published Jan 1977 by DC.
    • Centerfold detached at one staple.
    • CGC Signature Series
    • Paper: Off white to white
    • Neal Adams Authenticated Autograph.
    • Label #4523982001
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.

    Cover art by Neal Adams. Kill Me, Flash, Faster, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; A supposedly reformed Abra Kadabra uses pyramid power to force Flash to attack him. Fury of the Floronic Man!, script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Terry Austin; The Floronic Man gets the better of Green Lantern, until Hal listens to his tiny friend, Itty. Rudolph Holiday Edition ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. 1977 Super DC Calendar ad. Star Trek Giant Poster Book ad. DC hero clothing ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #247
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 247
    Published Mar 1977 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Frank Springer. The Mad, Mad Earth of Abra Kadabra!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Abra Kadabra has rigged some radiation so that he is sent to the past when Flash [Allen] punches him, creating the illusion of his murder, so the Flash is sent to prison in 6376 A.D.; However, the past Abra Kadabra is sent to is on Earth 2, where he does battle with Jay Garrick. Aquaman Hostess Twinkies ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Jenette Kahn recounts some of the recent officer changes at DC and her background in publishing. Letter from comics historian Peter Sanderson. Superman Family and The House of Mystery Dollar Comics ad. Dinky Toys ad featuring the Enterprise, Space: 1999, and U.F.O. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #248
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 248
    Published Apr 1977 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Frank Springer. Challenge of the Cardboard Criminal!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; A villain that a boy draws springs to life and battles Flash. A full-page message for fans by newly appointed DC publisher Jenette Kahn. Batman Hostess Fruit Pies ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Worlds Finest and G.I. Combat Dollar Comics ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. DC merchandise ad, including The Encyclopedia of super-heroes. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #249
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 249
    Published May 1977 by DC.

    Last 30-cent issue. Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel. A Hero Named Super, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash battles Master Villain, a bad guy who sprang from the mind (and pencil) of an artistic boy in the previous issue. Batman Hostess Fruit Pies ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. King Kong Giant Poster Book ad. Shade The Changing Man ad, art by Steve Ditko. DC Super Power Shield and Comic Book Savers ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #251
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 251
    Published Jul 1977 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel. Vengeance on Ice, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Joe Giella; Golden Glider and Captain Cold go after Flash and Iris. Batman & Robin Hostess Cupcakes ad. Superman kite ad. Batman tabloid ad. Batplane toy ad. Spalding basketball ad with Dr. J and Rick Barry ad, art by Jack Davis. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #252
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 252
    Published Aug 1977 by DC.
    • Paper: White
    • Label #4535309018
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel. Double Dose of Danger, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Sue Dibny gets Flash to help her find her missing husband, the Elongated Man; unfortunately, EM has turned into a super-villain called the Molder, who can turn solid objects into putty. Hostess baseball cards ad. Star Trek Giant Poster Book ad. Showcase 94 ad with The New Doom Patrol. Swamp Thing Saga ad. The Great Superman Movie Contest ad. Memorium for artists Bob Brown and John Rosenberger, and writer Edmond Hamilton. Article on Showcase by Jenette Kahn. Sea World back cover ad with Batman, Robin, Superman and Wonder Woman. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #253
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 253
    Published Sep 1977 by DC.
    • Paper: White
    • Label #4535309019
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
    • Paper: White
    • Label #4535309020
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel. Don't Mess With the Melter, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; The Molder, who is the villain persona of the Elongated Man, turns Flash into putty; Iris Allen must restore him to normal. Hostess baseball cards ad. The Great Superman Movie Contest ad. Mister Miracle ad, art by Marshall Rogers. Superman kite ad. Full-page Swamp Thing article by Jenette Kahn. Sea World back cover ad with Batman, Robin, Superman and Wonder Woman. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #254
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 254
    Published Oct 1977 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Joe Rubinstein. To Believe Or Not To Believe, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash's gallery of rogues mess with his head and present him with an award. Article on cancelled titles by publisher Jenette Kahn. Profile of Joe Rubinstein. Special Olympics ad with Superman. Amazing World of DC Comics ad with Wonder Woman. Tru Dimension ad with Superman. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #255
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 255
    Published Nov 1977 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel. Flashback to Danger, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; The Flash must handle Mazdans hypnosis while trying to apprehend the Mirror Master. Wonder Woman Hostess Twinkies ad. Superman Spectacular ad. Super-heroes school supplies issue. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #256
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 256
    Published Dec 1977 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel. Prisoner of the Past, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash battles someone masquerading as the late Top. Article about mystery stories, written by publisher Janette Kahn. Profile of Al Milgrom. Penguin Hostess Fruit Pies ad. Super Capes, Superman wallet, and Super-Hero toy watches ad. Superman vs. Wonder Woman and Rudolph tabloid ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad with Wonder Woman. Doorway to Nightmare ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #257
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 257
    Published Jan 1978 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Al Milgrom, inks by Jack Abel. The Golden Glider's Triple Play, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Barry "Flash" Allen and wife Iris take a trip to visit Barry's parents, but are attacked by Captain Cold's sister. Penguin Hostess Fruit Pies ad. Superman vs. Wonder Woman and Rudolph tabloid ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. All-Star Comics 10 ad with the Huntress, Shade the Changing Man ad. Super-hero watches ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #258
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 258
    Published Feb 1978 by DC.
    • Paper: White
    • Label #4523981012
    • Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel. The Day Flash Ran His Last Mile, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Green Lantern Villain goes to Central City and steals Flashs protective aura, the lack of which will burn him alive when he runs fast. Article about Firestorm by publisher Janette Kahn. Batman Hostess Cup Cakes ad. Showcase 97 ad featuring Power Girl. Firestorm ad. Superman vs. Muhammad Ali ad, art by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. Super-hero watches ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #259
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 259
    Published Mar 1978 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Bob McLeod. Black Hand--The Kill-Proof Criminal!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Joe Giella; Black Hand, enhanced by Green Lantern's power beam energy, steals Flash's protective aura; Barney Sands makes a Flash fanzine. Batman Hostess Cup Cakes ad. Shazam 34, Steel, and Wonder Woman Dollar Comic ad. Muhammad Ali ad, art by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano. 1978 DC Calendar ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #260
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 260
    Published Apr 1978 by DC.

    Cover art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. The 1,000 Year-Old Root!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Joe Giella; Iris's parents travel back in time to visit her and Barry; Eric discovers that his ancestor was pronounced dead in 1978 right before he was to marry his fiancé. Article by publisher Janette Kahn about Superman vs. Muhammad Ali. Batman Family and Worlds Finest Dollar Comics ad. DC Currents Newsletter ad. DC questionnaire. DC super-hero paperbacks ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #261
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 261
    Published May 1978 by DC.
    • Water damage.

    Cover pencils by Al Milgrom, inks by Jack Abel. The Lure of the Ringmaster!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank Giacoia; Ringmaster, a supposed super-hero, and Flash battle the vengeful Golden Glider. Star Wars StarWarrior club ad. Showcase 100 ad. Flash Dollar Comics ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad with Shazam. Direct Currents Newsletter ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #262
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 262
    Published Jun 1978 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Dick Giordano. With This Ring, I Thee Master, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash battles Golden Glider, and Ringmaster sweeps Iris off her feet. Article about Hawkman by publisher Janette Kahn. Wonder Bread Close Encounters of the Third Kind cards ad. Batman 300 ad. Action Comics 40th Anniversary issue ad. Showcase Presents Hawkman ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. Welcome Back Kotter and Superman vs. Shazam tabloid ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #263
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 263
    Published Jul 1978 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Joe Staton, inks by Frank Giacoia. Nobody Stays A Flash Forever, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash and Ringmaster team-up against Golden Glider. Profile of Roger McKenzie. Johnny Bench Batter Up ad. Batmans Strangest Cases ad. DC Explosion ad. SGT Rock and The Fighting Forces ad. Worlds Finest, Brave and the Bold, and DC Comics Presents ad. Super-Heroes activity books and DC Comics paperbacks ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #264
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 264
    Published Aug 1978 by DC.

    Last 35-cent cover price. Cover pencils by Joe Staton, inks by Frank Giacoia. Golden Glider's Final Fling, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Kurt Schaffenberger, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash loses his costume, then gets it back to battle Golden Glider and Ringmaster. Super-Heroes activity books and DC Comics paperbacks ad. Hostess baseball cards ad. Weird Western Tales, Worlds Finest, and The Brave and the Bold DC Explosion ad. Clark Bar ad with Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. Swamp Thing Saga ad. Neal Adams Art Club ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #265
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 265
    Published Sep 1978 by DC.

    Page count increase, price increase to 50 cents. Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Frank Giacoia. Shift the Earth Goodbye, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; While vacationing with wife Iris, Barry "Flash" Allen is compelled to drive to an out of the way hotel; Meanwhile, an alien race threatens to destroy Earth. Secret of the Shooting Star!, script by Paul Kupperberg, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Bob Smith; Kid Flash faces a giant chipmunk. Letter from Flash writer Cary Bates. Article about price and page count increase in DC Comics by publisher Jenette Kahn. Hostess baseball cards ad. Clark Bar ad with Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. DC Explosion ad. 44 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.50.

  • Issue #266
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 266
    Published Oct 1978 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Dick Giordano. Heat Wave Plays It Cool, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Heat Wave battles Flash and faces his cold phobia. Case of the Missing Super-Speed, script by Paul Kupperberg, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Another kid acquires Kid Flash's powers. Super Hang Ups ad. Milk Duds sweepstakes ad with the Joker. Super-hero beach towels and T-shirts ad. Vixen ad. Army at War and G.I. Combat ad. 44 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.50.

  • Issue #267
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 267
    Published Nov 1978 by DC.

    Last 50-cent cover price. Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Dick Giordano. Heat Wave's Blaze of Glory, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Flash escapes a cold trap and a neighbor discovers that Barry is a comic book collector. Origin of Flash's Uniform, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Ira West helps Flash construct his uniform; a pair of crooks break into the professors house to steal his stamp collection; the crooks clock West, giving him amnesia. Adventure Comics and Justice League of America ad. Milk Duds sweepstakes ad with the Joker. Super Hang Ups ad. Jonah Hex ad. Amazing World of DC Comics ad. 44 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.50.

  • Issue #268
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 268
    Published Dec 1978 by DC.

    First 40-cent cover price. Cover pencils by Al Milgrom, inks by Dick Giordano. Riddle of the Runaway Comic, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; A comic book is coated with a teleportation chemical and criminals try to steal it at a comic book convention, but The Flash thwarts the plan and gets copies of the book for both himself and his neighbor, Barney Sands; Wildcat and the Golden Age Green Lantern guest star. The DC Super Heroes Poster Book ad. Superman Movie Contest ad . Star Wars Digital Watch ad. Battlestar Galactica Monogram model kit back cover ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.50.

  • Issue #269
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 269
    Published Jan 1979 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Dick Giordano. Domain of the Dark-Eyed Dragons, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; while visiting the prehistoric past to return Gail Manners, where they all visited to cure her coma, they face aliens determined to make sure that humans dont dominate Earth. Star Wars Digital Watch ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #270
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 270
    Published Feb 1979 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Dick Giordano. A Fast Way to Die, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Frank McLaughlin; Work and a dangerous clown get in the way of time with Iris; This begins a new era in the life of Barry Allen wherein he's beset with a host of personal problems. Ross Andru takes over as editor from the esteemed Julius Schwartz. Superman the Movie contest ad. Flash ad. Batman Family ad. Superman centerfold ad. Super-hero stick-ons ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #271
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 271
    Published Mar 1979 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Dick Giordano. The Silent Slayer of Central City, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Jack Abel; Flash battles the Clown; Iris continues her frustration with Barry's super-hero gig. Superman the Movie ad. Seasons Greetings from DC Comics ad. Superman centerfold ad. Superman merchandise ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #272
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 272
    Published Apr 1979 by DC.

    Cover art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. Girl With The Master Mind, script by Cary Bates, pencils by John Calnan and Rich Buckler, inks by Vince Colletta; Barry finds heroin in his laboratory, and a mysterious girl beckons for Flash. Superman Hostess Fruit Pies ad. The Worlds Greatest Superheroes newspaper strip ad by Martin Pasko, George Tuska, and Vince Colletta. Superman tabloid comics centerfold ad. Superman merchandise ad. Battlestar Galactica merchandise ad. Kryptonite Rocks ad. Hembeck strip. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #273
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 273
    Published May 1979 by DC.
    • Interior is complete. 9" Cumulative spine split (chew).

    Cover pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Dick Giordano. Harvest of Hate, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Flash is released from Melanies power and then breaks up a prison riot to save Professor Nephron. Batman and Robin Mego figures with magnetic hands and feet. Justice League of America 166 ad. Fruit Stripe gum maze ad. Wonder Woman Contest entry form with Linda Carter. Superman Family 195 ad. Lost World of Warlord ad. The Worlds Greatest Superheroes newspaper comic strip ad. Superman the Movie ad. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #274
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 274
    Published Jun 1979 by DC.

    Cover pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Dick Giordano. The Mark of the Beast!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; Clive Yorkin escapes from prison after overusing the Nephron Machine and seriously injuring its inventor, and wanders to Barry Allen's house; Meanwhile, Barry is on a drug raid with Frank Curtis and is compelled to detour while returning home, by a psychic's powers. Ad for Batman and Robin magnetic toy by Mego. Batman; Hostess Cup Cakes ad, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Hembeck strip. Spalding basketball ad with Julius Dr. J Erving and Rick Barry, art by Jack Davis. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #275
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 275
    Published Jun 1979 by DC.

    Cover art by Dick Giordano. The Last Dance, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; The death of Iris (apparently at the hand of Clive Yorkin), Barry Allen's beloved wife; The tragic event occurs while Barry (dressed in a Flash "costume") and Iris (dressed as Batgirl) attend a costume party. Corgi Superman vehicles ad. Flash 275 ad. Pete Rose Batting Practice sporting good ad. World of Krypton, All-Out War and Time Warp ad. Subscription ad with Superman. Hembeck strip. Spalding basketball ad with Julius Dr. J Erving and Rick Barry, art by Jack Davis. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #276
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 276
    Published Aug 1979 by DC.

    Cover art by Dick Giordano. Freakout!, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank Chiaramonte; As Iris West-allen is killed at a party, Barry is given a dose of angel dust by an unknown person and hallucinates that he beats Clive Yorkin to death; Barry recuperates in a hospital and then goes on a rampage when his Justice League comrades refuse to help him bring Iris back from the dead; Entire story may be a drug-induced hallucination in Flash's mind; part of the story certainly is. O.J. Simpson Spot-bilt shoe ad. Jonah Hex and Superman 100-pager ad. Pete Rose Batting Practice sporting good ad. All-Out War ad. Super-hero shirts ad. Superman 338 ad. Hembeck strip. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.

  • Issue #277
    Flash (1959 1st Series DC) 277
    Published Sep 1979 by DC.

    Cover art by Dick Giordano. The Self-Destruct Flash, script by Cary Bates, pencils by Alex Saviuk, inks by Frank McLaughlin; A drugged Flash takes on the Justice League; the funeral of Iris Allen and an appearance by Mirror Master; Flash wants to quit. Star Trek: The Motion Picture ad. Sgt. Rocks Prize Battle Tales and Secret Origins of the Super-Heroes 100-pager ad. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes ad. What Happened Before… Flash ad. Hembeck strip. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.40.