The next Prime Auction will open for bidding Saturday October 5.

Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants comic books

  • Issue #256
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 256

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by John Buscema, inks by Frank Giacoia. "Lurker in the Dark!", script by Len Wein, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Tony Dezuniga; The Recorder arrives to aid the Asgardians in their quest; They come across a monstrous derelict starship and decide to investigate; Inside, they are attacked by Securitrons, but after a thorough thrashing and a lucky shot at Sif, they are called off by Relstor; After they disappear, Sif collapses; Back in Asgard, Brokar brings Balder grim news; After the nurses have cared for Sif and left, Sporr's tentacles carry her off, and the Asgardians cannot stop it. Appearances by Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, and Karnilla. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #257
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 257

    Whitman Variant.Cover pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott. "Death, Thou Shalt Die!", script by Len Wein, pencils by John Buscema (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga; As the heroes seek Sporr, Relstor tells the Asgardians the history of Levianon; They finally come across one of Sporr's tentacles, only to have it collapse the hallway again; Back in Asgard, Balder and Karnilla look upon a mysterious army that has appeared on the outskirts of Asgard; Back on Levianon, Thor holds up the ceiling to save everyone; They then manage to track down the monstrous Sporr; The Asgardians battle against it, but it takes Thor to bring it down; But before he can stop them, the men of Levianon kill Sporr while it is knocked out. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, and Karnilla. Grey Gargoyle cameo. The letters page contains a statement of ownership: average print run 349,366; average paid circulation 172,389. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #258
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 258

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by Jack Kirby and John Romita (alterations), inks by John Verpoorten and John Romita (alterations). "If the Stars Be Made of Stone!", script by Len Wein, pencils by John Buscema (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga; The Grey Gargoyle's pirate ship has come across the Asgardians; The Asgardians begin to quickly go through the pirates, until the Grey Gargoyle enters the fray; He quickly turns everyone but Thor to stone, and before Thor can move, the Grey Gargoyle grabs the petrified Sif, and threatens to smash her unless Thor surrenders; Back in Asgard, the council of war is planning their moves when Karnilla calls Balder to the gate; Just then, the Enchantress and the Executioner break down the door; Back in space, the Asgardians wake from the Grey Gargoyle's spell to find themselves in slave collars. Appearances by Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, and the Recorder. Hostess snack cakes ad with Spider-Man. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #259
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 259

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by John Buscema, inks by Frank Giacoia. "Escape into Oblivion!", script by Len Wein, pencils by John Buscema (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga; The Grey Gargoyle has come to free the Asgardians because he needs their help; He tells how he became captain after killing the prior captain; The Grey Gargoyle is tired of the aliens and just wants to go home; In Asgard, the Enchantress and the Executioner tell Balder to surrender or be destroyed; Back on the Bird of Prey, the Grey Gargoyle has the Asgardian prisoners brought up and then calls upon them to attack, but the pirate crew is ready for them; But then, Gormok leads the rest of the slaves in an attack; During the battle, the Grey Gargoyle attempts to sneak off in a shuttle, but Fee-Lon follows him. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, Balder, Karnilla, the Enchantress, and the Executioner. Cameos by Captain America, Spider-Man, and AIM. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #260
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 260

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by Walt Simonson, inks by Joe Sinnott. "The Vicious and the Valiant," script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga; On the Phoenix of Freedom, the Recorder attempts to download any information about the Doomsday Star; Back in Asgard, Balder disguises himself to sneak out and try to determine the strength of the enemy army; He sneaks into their encampment and discovers that the suits of armor are empty, brought to life by the Enchantress; As Thor gets ready to leave the Phoenix, he discovers that the Warriors Three have mounted one of the ship's great cannons aboard the Starjammer; Back in Asgard, Balder is discovered by the Enchantress and Executioner; Balder fights the Executioner, but Enchantress secretly lends him sorcerous aid; Now having a map, Thor and the Asgardians come across a vast group of floating statues, one of which raises its hand and strikes. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, and Karnilla. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #261
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 261
    • .5" spine split.

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by John Buscema, inks by Frank Giacoia. "The Wall Around the World!", script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson (breakdowns) and Ernie Chan (finished art), inks by Ernie Chan; Thor and his comrades attempt to breach the enormous wall around the Doomsday Star, to no avail; Back in Asgard, a cloaked figure watches them, along with Balder and Karnilla with great interest; While he is watching, they vanish in the blink of an eye; The second Thor shows Balder that the Enchantress and Executioner where phantasms, but Karnilla senses something is wrong; When Thor and friends come to, the Starjammer is gone and they are standing in a city behind the wall they sought to breach; They are attacked by robotic Techno trackers, and during the battle, Hogun, Volstagg, and Recorder are separated from Thor, Sif, and Fandral. Cameos by the Enchantress and the Executioner. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #262
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 262

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by John Buscema, inks by Joe Sinnott. Odin, discovered missing in issue 250, is found in "Even an Immortal Can Die!", script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga; Thor tries to free himself from his bonds, but cannot; The Soul Survivors tell him the origin of themselves and of the Doomsday Star; That they are the ones that intercepted Odin; They then take Thor's group to see him; They are using Odin as a battery and they have almost drained him dry; Back in Asgard, the second Thor leads Balder and Karnilla into Asgard, then assaults them; Thor is speaking to a very weak Odin, when Odin apparently dies; In his rage, Thor begins to tear through all the Techno-trackers with ease, as Hogun, Volstagg, and Recorder arrive; With nothing else to do, K'rll places himself in the Spirit Mold and gives form to the remaining Odinpower still in the batteries, creating a beast made of pure Odinforce. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #263
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 263

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by John Buscema, inks by Joe Sinnott. "Holocaust and Homecoming!", script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga; K'rll begins attacking the Asgardians through the Odin beast. He knocks them all down, and all that's left is Volstagg; When the Odin beast moves towards him, a blast of pure force shoots from his hands, hurting the beast; Fighting Volstagg's new power, the beast uses itself up and dissipates, which causes feedback through the Soul Survivors systems, destroying them; Thor then has Volstagg apply his powers to try and revive Odin, to no avail; Then K'rll runs in screaming about how the Asgardians have destroyed everything and he will kill them all; Thor grabs him and is about to begin pounding on him, when Mjolnir suddenly flies into his hand; He then realizes that Odin is alive. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, and Odin. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #264
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 264

    Whitman Variant. Loki is up to no good in "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me!" Script by Len Wein, layouts by Walt Simonson, finished art by Tony DeZuniga. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Balder, Karnilla, the Recorder, Odin, the Enchantress, and the Executioner. Simonson/Joe Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.30.

  • Issue #265
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 265

    Whitman Variant. Thor fights the Destroyer in "When Falls the God of Thunder!" Script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson, inks by Joe Sinnott. Appearances by Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Sif, Karnilla, Balder, and the Recorder. Cameos by the Fantastic Four, Galactus, Odin, Loki, the Enchantress, and the Executioner. Simonson/Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #270
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 270

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by Walt Simonson, inks by Tony DeZuniga. "Minute of Madness - Dark Day of Doom!", script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga; Blastaar attacks Thor relentlessly, and blasts him into an alley, just as the 60th second passes; Blastaar enters the alley to find Don Blake, who tells him that Thor ran over the fence; After retrieving his cane from a street gang, and questioning Stilt-Man, Thor heads to see Tony Stark to get some help; Blastaar and his new master FAUST, recall their past, while Thor approaches after learning of them; Blastaar races out to fight Thor. Hostess snack cakes ad with Spider-Man. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #271
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 271

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by Walt Simonson, inks by Joe Sinnott. Iron Man guest stars in "Like a Diamond in the Sky!", script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson (breakdowns) and Tony DeZuniga (finished art), inks by Tony DeZuniga; Thor, along with the Avengers and Nick Fury with SHIELD are planning to take out FAUST; Thor and Iron Man transport inside FAUST, while the rest of the heroes prepare Project 13 in case they fail; Thor and Iron Man begin to be assaulted by the multiple defenses of FAUST; FAUST reveals that it has absorbed the contents and properties of the chest that was stolen by Stilt-Man, and, if they attack, it will fire a laser designed to destroy New York; Then Iron Man has figured it out and attacks. Appearances by Nick Fury and the Avengers (Captain America, the Vision, the Scarlet Witch, Wonder Man, and the Beast). Cameos by Spider-Man, Doctor Doom, Daredevil, Captain Marvel, Nova, and Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu. Hostess snack cakes ad with Hulk. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #274
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 274

    Whitman Variant. Death of Balder in "The Eye and the Arrow!" Script by Roy Thomas, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Tom Palmer. Appearances by Loki, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Hela, Odin, and Sif. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #275
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 275

    Whitman Variant. Thor battles Loki in "A Balance is Struck!" Script by Roy Thomas, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Tom Palmer. Appearances by Balder, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Hela, Odin, and Sif. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #276
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 276

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by John Buscema, inks by Joe Sinnott. Thor battles "the new, original Thor" (Red Norvell) in "Mine... This Hammer!", script by Roy Thomas, pencils by John Buscema (breakdowns) and Tom Palmer (finished art), inks by Tom Palmer; Roger "Red" Norvell puts on Thor's belt of strength and his Iron Gloves and becomes a new Thor, as powerful as the old Thor and able to wield Thor's hammer; The new Thor forces Sif to leave with him or he will destroy all of Asgard. Appearances by Sif, Odin, Loki, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, and Balder. Bullpen Bulletins. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #277
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 277

    Whitman Variant. Thor faces the hordes of Hela in "Time of the Trolls!" Script by Roy Thomas, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Tom Palmer. Appearances by Odin, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Loki, the Enchantress, the Executioner, Balder, and Sif. Buscema/Bob McLeod cover. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #278
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 278

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by John Buscema, inks by Bob McLeod. "At Long Last - Ragnarok?!", script by Roy Thomas, pencils by John Buscema (breakdowns) and Chic Stone (finished art), inks by Chic Stone; All of the prophecies of Ragnarok seem to be coming true; The new Thor is convinced by Sif to join the old Thor to protect Asgard and pays with his life. Bullpen Bulletins. Letter to the editor from writer Cat Yronwode. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #279
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 279
    Auction opens October 21
    • Paper: White
    • Multi-Pack Edition
    • Label #4481178003

    Whitman Variant. Cover pencils by Dave Cockrum, inks by Joe Sinnott. "A Hammer in Hades!", script by Don Glut, pencils by Alan Kupperberg (breakdowns) and Pablo Marcos (finished art), inks by Pablo Marcos; Pluto kidnaps Jane Foster and brings her to Hades, which leads Thor to Hades to rescue her; Pluto and Loki conspire to use Ulik to kill Thor. Bullpen Bulletins. Letter to the editor from writer Cat Yronwode. "Captain Marvel Meets the Dreadnought" Hostess snack cakes ad. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.35.

  • Issue #280
    Thor (1962 Marvel 1st Series Journey Into Mystery) Whitman Variants 280

    Whitman Variant. Cover by Joe Sinnott. "Crisis on Twin Earths!", script by Don Thompson (plot), Maggie Thompson (plot), and Roy Thomas (script), pencils by Wayne Boring (breakdowns) and Tom Palmer (finished art), inks by Tom Palmer; Thor travels to Hyperion's world at the request of Hyperion, where Thor and the Squadron Supreme battle against the evil Hyperion and Emil Burbank. Avengers cameo; brief Squadron Supreme appearance. Bullpen Bulletins. "An Irresistible Force!" Hostess snack cakes ad with Iron Man. 36 pgs., full color. Cover price $0.35.