Original Art from Doctor Strange #49 (1993), Page 8 Pencils by Geof Isherwood, Specific Inker Uncredited
SOLD for $400.00from Doctor Strange (1988 3rd Series) 49
1993 Marvel
After years of calling on the powers of mysterious forces and beings, the bill is due for Stephen Strange! Having refused the demands of the likes of Vishanti and Cytorrak, Strange's only escape was to fling himself through spacetime. In this beautifully illustrated page, Strange catches the attention of some mysterious beasts- and ends up as their snack! Signed by Isherwood in bottom margin. Inkers credited for the issue are Bob Petrecca & Don Hudson, though there is no information on which inked this page specifically. Pencil and ink on Marvel Comics art board. 11 1/4" x 17 1/4", B&W. Note: The onomatopoeia 'SKLUTCH' in the last panel is torn at the bottom of the 'U' but is still attached to the page.