Street Fighter II Animated Movie (1996) comic books
"The Official Comic Adaptation: Chapter 2!" Story and art by Takayuki Sakai. Featuring all your favorite characters from the bestselling video game by CAPCOM! As Ryu and Chun-Li continue to investigate they come face-to-face with a brainwashed Ken. As Ryu is forced to battle his best friend in a no-holds-barred contest of might, the dibalical M. Bison plots and schemes from the shadows. 32 pages, B&W. Cover price $2.95.
"The Official Comic Adaptation: Chapter 4!" Story and art by Takayuki Sakai. Featuring all your favorite characters from the bestselling video game by CAPCOM! Can Chun-Li survive a surprise attack by the assassin Vega?! 32 pages, B&W. Cover price $2.95.