Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing (2008) comic books 2008
Written by ROBERTO AGUIRRE-SACASA Art by KANO Cover by KAARE ANDREWS Biochemist Ted Sallis and his team are on a mission: To recreate the serum that spawned the world's first super-soldier. But like the swamp itself, there are dangers lurking beneath the surface...Ted's partner Eric, his girlfriend Ellen, the government, terrorists...everyone wants what Ted has, but what Ted doesn't realize is...the swamp itself may want him! A radical re-imagining of the Man-Thing's origin begins here, in a horror-tinged tale narrated by Digger, keeper of the Tower of Shadows! Cover price $3.99.
Written by ROBERTO AGUIRRE-SACASA Penciled by BRIAN DENHAM Cover by KAARE ANDREWS Death has come to Citrusville, in the guise of four deranged army vets filled with bloodlust, with nothing to lose. When their paths cross with swamp-witch Jessica Cale, expect death and dismemberment...but whose? And how do Jessica's little brother Andy and his imaginary, red-eyed, green-skinned friend fit in? This radical re-imagining of the Man-Thing mythos continues, once again narrated by the keeper of the Tower of Shadows: Digger! 32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Explicit Content ...$3.99 Cover price $3.99.
Written by ROBERTO AGUIRRE-SACASA Penciled by JAVIER SALTARES Cover by KAARE ANDREWS 'No Such Thing' As tales of the Citrusville bog-monster continue to spread, two college-aged documentary filmmakers arrive in the swamps, accompanied by their nubile girlfriends, determined to sort fact from fiction. But, unfortunately for them, the two filmmakers are unaware that the Man-Thing isn't the ONLY monster in the swamps -- that there is, in fact, a tribe of cannibalistic half-breeds who would love nothing more than to hunt and eat a van-load of fresh meat. The MAX re-telling of Man-Thing's origin continues this issue, narrated by Digger, and featuring the return of...Ellen Brandt? 32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Explicit Content ...$3.99 Cover price $3.99.
Written by ROBERTO AGUIRRE-SACASA Art by NIC KLEIN Cover by KAARE ANDREWS For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Once, scientist Ted Sallis and Ellen Brandt were lovers. Now, they have both been transformed: Ted into the monstrous Man-Thing; Ellen into a disfigured mockery of her former self, her face seared in an act of vengeance. Now she's returned to Citrusville with a team of terrorist mercenaries, looking for payback. Her mission: To kill the Man-Thing, no matter what it takes. Even allied with witch-woman Jennifer Kale, what chance does the Man-Thing have of surviving? This radical re-imagining of Marvel's premier horror icon concludes this issue! (And yes, Digger's narrating this one, too!) 32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Explicit Content ...$3.99 Cover price $3.99.