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Issue Details

Issue #12
Published August 2000
Cover Price $2.50
Pages 36
Editing Rachelle Brissenden

Cover Details - "untitled"

Characters Spartan
Genre Superhero; Spy
Pencils Sean Phillips (signed)
Inks Sean Phillips (signed)
Reprinted in Wildstorm (Magic Press, 2000 series) #16

22 page WILDCATS story "My Father's House"

Characters Voodoo; Dr. Jeremy Stone; Spartan [as Jack Marlowe] ; Jackson King; Miss Kincaid; Noir; Ladytron [Maxine Manchester]; Grifter; Void
Genre Superhero; Spy
Script Joe Casey
Pencils Sean Phillips
Inks Sean Phillips
Colors Wildstorm FX
Letters Comicraft
Reprinted in Wildstorm (Magic Press, 2000 series) #16

1 page letters page "Litter Box"

Notes 3 letters of comment by Vincent Rudin, Roy Kaalverink, Amerika, plus cover art of issue #13.

1 page promo (ad from the publisher) "Wildstorm News"

Notes Promo text by John Layman, June 2000 Releases for Wildstorm (15 titles), Cliffhanger (1 title), America's Best Comics (3 titles), Homage (2 titles), plus 1/2 page ad for JLA: AMAZING ANDROIDS action figures.

11 page advertisement "Ads"

Notes Total of 7 one-page and 2 two-page advertisements for: (website, eWanted), New Titles! Great Prices! (games, Midway), Wild Arms 2 (game, Sony, 2 pages), The Legend of Dragoon (game, Sony), MediEvil II (game, Sony, 2 pages), Bomber Man 64 The Second Attack (game, Vatical), Micro Maniacs (game, Codemasters), Alice Cooper (music cd, Spitfire), Iron soldier 3 (game, Vatical).