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Issue Details

Issue #27
Published October, 1955
Frequency Quarterly
Cover Price 0.10 USD
Pages 36
Notes Information in this index supplied by Star-Studded War Comics at

Cover Details

Genre War
Pencils Lee Elias (Signed)
Inks Lee Elias (Signed)

7 page story "The Spirit of '52"

Synopsis A soldier in Korea is given heart and confidence by seeing the ghosts of "The Spirit of '76." (as in the famous painting by Archibald MacNeal Willard).
Genre War

1 page text story "Operation Diamond"

Genre War
Notes Two small illustrations for text story

5 page story "Four Chaplains"

Characters Rabbi Alexander Goode; Father John Washington; Parsons Clark Poling; Parson George Fox
Synopsis Tells the true story of the heroic actions of the "Four Chaplains" during WWII.
Genre War
Pencils Lee Elias
Inks Lee Elias

7 page story "Medal For Smitty"

Genre War
Pencils Lee Elias
Inks Lee Elias

5 page story "Two Flags"

Genre War
Pencils Bob Powell (Signed)
Inks Bob Powell (Signed)