Data courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under Creative Commons license.

Issue Details

Issue #64
Published April 1952
Frequency every other month
Cover Price 0.10 USD
Pages 36
Editing J. F. Byrne (Managing Editor); Jerry Iger (Art Director)

Cover Details

Characters Firehair
Genre western

9 page Firehair story "Listen, my Pawnee brothers! The moon spirit has..."

Characters Firehair [Lynn Cabot] (last appearance in original story)
Genre western
Script ? [as John Starr]
Pencils Jay Disbrow? (Iger Shop)
Inks ? (Iger Shop)

4 page Suicide Smith story "Long ago the high brass had learned that when..."

Genre war
Script ? [as Capt. A.E. Carruthers]
Pencils Lee Elias
Inks Lee Elias
Reprinted from Wings Comics (Fiction House, 1940 series) #47 [cut down from six pages with many changes in text, names, and panel layouts]

Half page statement of ownership "Statement of the Ownership, Management and Circulation"

Letters typeset

1 page filler "Belle Starr.. Bandit Queen"

Characters Belle Star; Judge Roy Bean
Genre Fact; Western
Pencils Bob Lubbers (?)
Inks Richard Case (?)
Notes This may be the second page of a planned two-page feature, following the Desperado page of issue 63.

2 page text story "The Vitamin Kid"

Genre sports
Letters typeset

3 page story "All Aboard for the Moon"

Genre science fiction
Script ? [as Ross Gallun]
Pencils Murphy Anderson (signed)
Inks Murphy Anderson (signed)
Notes This looks like it should be a reprint from an issue of Planet Comics, but the title and art don't match any we can locate.

2 page Jungle Quiz filler "Although the jungle cats belong to the same..."

Genre quiz
Pencils Mike Peppe?
Inks Mike Peppe?
Reprinted from Jungle Comics (Fiction House, 1940 series) #84

6 page Cowboy Bob story "Trail dust hung on the air...dark, shifty-eyed..."

Characters Cowboy Bob
Genre western
Script ? [as John Starr]
Pencils Ken Battefield (Iger Shop)
Inks David Heames?; [shop]