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Issue Details

Issue #14
Published October 1946
Frequency monthly
Cover Price 0.10 usd
Pages 52
Editing Sheldon Mayer

Cover Details

Characters Bulldog Drumhead; Oliver Wendell McDuffy
Genre funny animal
Pencils Ron Santi
Inks Ron Santi

Half page promo (ad from the publisher) "We know you'll enjoy this issue of Funny Stuff..for more laughs READ"

Notes Animal Antics #5, Buzzy #10 and All Funny #14 displayed

6 page Bulldog Drumhead story "Don't Fence Me In!"

Characters Bulldog Drumhead; Oliver Wendell McDuffy; Louie the Pickpocket
Synopsis Oliver becomes police chief because it's Boys' Day. His first act is to fire Bulldog unless he can bring in Louie the Pickpocket before midnight.
Genre funny animal
Pencils Ron Santi (signed)
Inks Ron Santi (signed)

Wheaties advertisement "Vern Stephens"

Characters Vern Stephens

1 page Pepsi Cola; Pepsi, the Pepsi-Cola Cop advertisement "SOS Police Boat Long Overdue"

Characters Pepsi; Pete
Pencils Graham Hunter
Inks Graham Hunter

6 page J. Rufus Lion story "The Lion's Share"

Characters J. Rufus Lion; Arsenic the Giraffe; Matilda
Synopsis Arsenic tries to cure Rufus of superstition.
Genre funny animal
Pencils Ron Santi (signed)
Inks Ron Santi (signed)

1 page PF shoes advertisement "From Lead Foot to Anchor Man"

8 page Three Mouseketeers story "Food, Food Everywhere and Not a Bite To Eat"

Characters Amouse; Porterhouse; Aramouse; D'artagmouse; Duchess
Synopsis D'Artagmouse wants to go to a costume party with the Duchess but the boys use his costume to sneak in and eat all the food.
Genre funny animal; period
Pencils Ron Santi
Inks Ron Santi

1 page Who's Who In Zooville story "Introducing Mr. Porkchop Himself!"

Genre funny animal
Pencils Saul Kessler (signed)
Inks Saul Kessler (signed)

1 page Adventures of R.C. and Quickie; R.C. Cola advertisement "Giving A Heel the Boot!"

Characters R. C.; Quickie; Monk
Pencils Creig Flessel
Inks Creig Flessel

4 page Walrus and the Rooster story "Sleeping in the park is reserved for kiddies in baby carriages!"

Characters Wally Walrus; The Rooster
Synopsis The Rooster needs Wally to get a job.
Genre funny animal
Pencils Stan Green (as S. G.)
Inks Stan Green (as S. G.)

Half page Who's Who In Zooville story "Meet Bill The Poster Man"

Pencils Saul Kessler (signed)
Inks Saul Kessler (signed)

Half page Dubble Bubble Gum advertisement "It's Chewy's's only a penny"

Pencils Ray Thompson ?
Inks Ray Thompson ?

6 page Blackie Bear story "Stolen Statue"

Characters Blackie Bear
Synopsis Blackie gets a job as a statue.
Pencils Ron Santi
Inks Ron Santi

2 page Ol' Judge Owl text story

Script Martin Naydel (signed as Martin Nadle)
Pencils Martin Naydel (signed as Martin Nadle)
Inks Martin Naydel (signed as Martin Nadle)

1 page Who's Who In Zooville story "Meet Horace Hippo"

Pencils Saul Kessler (signed)
Inks Saul Kessler (signed)

8 page McSnurtle The Turtle story "Scrambled Yeggs"

Characters McSnurtle the Turtle; Conscience; Terrific Whatzit; Mr. Dickens
Synopsis McSnurtle tries to deliver a prize to a contestant.
Pencils Martin Naydel (signed)
Inks Martin Naydel

1 page Thom McAn advertisement "How Thom McAn Stopped the Cattle Stampede"

Pencils George Roussos
Inks George Roussos

1 page promo (ad from the publisher) "Tops In Comics"

Notes V-shaped picture of DC's comic logos

1 page Baby Ruth advertisement "What A Hit! Now For a Baby Ruth"