Issue | #1 |
Published | December 1939 |
Frequency | Monthly |
Cover Price | 0.10 USD |
Pages | 68 |
Notes | Indica (transcription courtesy of Frank Motler): SILVER STREAK COMICS is published monthly by Your Guide Publications, Inc., publishing, editorial and executive offices are at 67 W. 44th St., New York, New York, N.Y. December 1939. Vol. 1 No. 1. Entry as second class matter at the post office at New York, N. Y., applied for under the act of March 3, 1879. single copies 10 cents; yearly subscription in U. S. and Canada, $1; elsewhere $2. No actual person is named or delineated in this magazine Copyright, 1939 by Your Guide Publications, Inc. Application for title pending at U. S. Patent Office. Printed in U. S. A. |
Pencils | Jack Cole |
Inks | Jack Cole |
Genre | Fact |
Script | Jack A. Warren |
Pencils | Jack A. Warren |
Inks | Jack A. Warren |
Characters | The Claw (introduction); Jerry Morris; Eloise Pearsall |
Synopsis | Jerry Morris and Ambassador Eloise Pearsall happen to stop at Ricca, on their way to China to aid war victims. This is the home of The Claw, and The Claw needs a woman to aid in his world conquest. |
Script | Jack Cole? |
Pencils | Jack Cole |
Inks | Jack Cole |
Reprinted | in Daredevil Comics (Lev Gleason, 1941 series) #21 |
Script | Ray Gill (signed) |
Pencils | Ray Gill (signed) |
Inks | Ray Gill (signed) |
Characters | Mr. Midnite (Neal Carruthers) |
Pencils | Jim Chambers ? |
Script | Ray Gill |
Characters | I: Red Reeves and the Genie |
Pencils | Harold DeLay ? |
Inks | Harold DeLay ? |
Characters | I: Captain Fearless |
Script | Malcolm Kildale? |
Pencils | Malcolm Kildale |
Inks | Malcolm Kildale |
Notes | continued next issue |
Characters | I: The Duke |
Script | Larry Antonette? |
Pencils | Larry Antonette |
Inks | Larry Antonette |
Characters | I: The Wasp (Burton Slade) |
Script | Arthur Pinajian? |
Pencils | Arthur Pinajian [as Jay Fletcher] |
Inks | Arthur Pinajian |
Script | Ray Gill |
Pencils | Ray Gill |
Inks | Ray Gill |
Notes | modelling feature |
Characters | I: Barry Lane |
Script | Steve Dahlman |
Pencils | Steve Dahlman |
Inks | Steve Dahlman |
Characters | I: Spirit Man (Spirit Malcolm) |
Synopsis | Ad for Marvel Mystery Comics #2 - with reprinted cover. |
Letters | Typeset |
Notes | Inside back cover. Frank Motler noted the existence of this ad on the Timely-Atlas list during a conversation about an ad for this issue on the inside front cover of Marvel Mystery Comics #2. Early issues of Silver Streak Comics are believe to have been produced by Funnies, Inc., which also produced the early Marvel [Mystery] Comics. |
Characters | The Claw; Capt. Fearless; Spirtman |
Synopsis | Next issue out November 10, 1939 |